Friday 27 February 2015

You're with us or against us.....

... That is perhaps the most moronic way of thinking, you can't just simplify things to either good or bad the world is not that simple and to encourage your citizens to think in those terms is just irresponsible.

This kind of mentality doesn't allow for any deeper thinking or questioning and God forbid if you dare to criticize.. you'll be greeted with a tsunami of abuse. All that will become is that society will become divided and violent towards those who are different and don't follow the set norms, but to deny what makes us different, isn't that just denying what makes us people?

And people wonder why I have been saying for years now- this is not a democracy inorder fo it to be one relies on a well informed public, obviously governments want us to be focused on more trivial issues when they commit crimes against us!

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