Friday, 6 June 2014

The Social society?

Modern day society is more connected and more social networks have popped up... but can you really call spending ten hours on the computer really socializing. Remember the good old days when you met actual people and not just their "avatars". Their was a time when people actually physically met up, and didn't just press connect on their electronic devices. Now what?! People are too lazy to meet people anymore or have we just become so narcissistic that we need approval from strangers and we need to tell everyone about ourselves, we're doing half of the NSA'S job for them, can't yo see?

I know what you might think, who am I to criticize about social networks as I spend most of my time blogging. But I grew up in a time before all of this, and I made friends the old fashion way before Facebook and twitter, so I learnt social skills with people and not a computer. Children that are being exposed to all this technology now aren't gaining anything, they're actually losing and they won't have the neccesary tools to deal with the world. And just to make things clear, blogging is not the same because I'm not actually connecting virtually with anyone, I just write because I enjoy writing, when I want to meet people I go out into the physical world.

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