Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The blame game

At some point in our life, we are all guilty of misplacing blame, whether it be in our personal life of professional- we are all guilty. But it has come to a very destructive and divisive point, people are blaming the more vulnerable people in society instead of seeing who is really to blame, and it's because of this misplaced blame that people are actually fighting against their own interest.

 A civilization is deemed as advanced or civil by the way they treat their population e.g a strong welfare state and a healthy middle class! A country should not be applauded just because they have the most millionaires, in actual fact this should be a sign that shows you how backwards and corrupt it is, and also it is a very sad indication of the state of society- greed, corrupt and ultimately selfish. When people are just looking out for their own interest, they aren't looking at the wider implications of their actions. This is in fact very counter productive and will lead to inefficiencies.

The media has a huge role to play in this, but more specifically the Murdoch Media like "The Sun" and "Fox news". They are continually seen dehumanizing the most vulnerable people in society and this can lead to a feeling of isolation and sometimes even violence. You constantly see images of how " great" the royals are and how they are actually good for society???

They hardly ever focus on the fact that it is your tax money that is paying for their tours around the world, I mean, just the amount we pay for the security would be enough to pay for a much needed upgrade in the health care in this country- but oh no, that's the fault of immigrants who come here just to be sick, totally absurd! But the Media has you all worshiping them and not only them, the banksters that financially raped the whole country, everyone has just given them a free pass, but if a person claims any sort of benefits they are lazy and just want hand outs, but people are okay with giving handouts to the banks ( who are still screwing us over) and the rich because they've been portrayed as " job creators"- What a bunch of horse shit! And the wonderful Boris Johnson, who has spent millions on these water cannons that are purely designed to silence the people has said that if your poor it's because you're stupid! And why are people stupid??? And I answer, it's because they decide to slash funding in education so that they can increase the military and help out their friends in the financial sector.

 The population need to wake up and realize who is the real enemy.

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