Thursday, 5 June 2014

Fascism never died...

.... It was just asleep for a long time. People would rather believe a lie than accept what is happening to them. The popular news may have everyone believing in the so called economic recovery, but does anyone really believe it? People are surviving on Food Banks and people are constantly getting screwed by these short term loan companies, more and more people are being made homeless but do you ever hear about it; no because the Kardashian wedding and the World Cup are more important that things like: growing food insecurity, the widening income gap and the fact that this is becoming a closed society!

Fascism is first and foremost a cultural phenomenon before a political movement. The individual is made to feel like nothing and is forced into whatever belief that community has. Fascism came about as a revolt against modernity and the age of Enlightenment, one could say we are entering the age of stupid, it sure seems that way when you see which way people are voting and how easily people believe stories on the "news" without question.

Fascism is a response to the economic backwardness under capitalism, and what we have in place is not exactly Capitalism it is more like Crony Capitalism- so it is much worse! All across the UK unemployment in rising and living costs are rising at twice the speed, this is the melting pot for some very unhappy people. And when people are unhappy and when they feel they are not being heard by their representative they will usually turn to the people who say they can deliver and give them a sense of ( false) security, even if they have no intention to deliver on what they promised- like UKiP.

Another scary thing we have in common with Fascism is we have no free press, Journalist are getting harassed or even arrested for saying anything critical about the Government and corporations are deciding what kinds of policies are going to be made- even if it is going against the will of the people. Just take " Fracking" as an example, people have been protesting against it and it has been proven that the cost of doing it outweighs the benefits, but still they are doing it-and why I hear you ask... because big business wants it done and now the queen has made it so they don't even have to ask your permission if they want to drill they can just go right ahead and do it!

I have heard people say that we live in the " age of information", that may be true, but we have limited access to the information that matters because the powers that be think it is in the nations best interest not to know it, so we don't live in the age of information, we live in the age of distractions, so people don't realize that the rich are getting away with all your money and you are completely screwed. But hey, forget about it, the World Cup is arriving soon, that's whats worth getting worked up over not the simple fact that far- right policies are coming into affect but a game...

How can the people stay informed if you keep shutting dowm any alternitive view to your own?

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