Saturday, 21 June 2014

Did you know....

... Austerity is just robbery under a different name, the Government claims " we're all in it together" but in reality we're not, It's a bit like Animal Farm by George Orwell "where all animals are equal.. but some animal are more equal that others." Austerity is just the confiscation and redistribution of wealth, so basically they confiscate it from the hardworking people of the country and give it to the selfish whores at the top ( the corporation and the monarchy)

Government is meant to protect the average Joe against the greed and constant exploitation of the multi- million pound corporation... Yet they seem to be collusion with them and they're constantly looking out for themselves and not giving a second thought to all the people they are screwing over because of their selfishness and greed.

Austerity is a prime example of the overwhelming greed and corruption in this country. The Government has slashed funding for public services like: education, the NHS and pensions are the big three, and they are three major areas that will directly impact the poor and increase the inequality in this country to third world status. Instead of cutting back on welfare and demonizing those people who rely on it to survive, maybe they should stop giving welfare to the rich who are just too darn lazy to do an honest days work?!

There is a snobbish tinge to this country, people actually believe they are better than the third world where in actual fact they are no better!  The fact that Boris Johnson has bought water canons to intimidate any potential dissenters and the fact the companies like Cuadrilla can just drill all sorts of chemical onto your land, that will probably give you cancer and pollute your water supply but thanks to the Queen they don't even have to tell you about it should tell you how backwards this country is.

But hey, let's all get distracted by The World Cup and just ignore the fact that this country is diving ever deeper into FASCISM.

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