Thursday, 19 June 2014

Education is priceless!

The priorities of society are so of the mark it is not even funny! Kids today are more interested in fame and nothing else, what they have to realize is that just because you're famous, that doesn't automatically mean you'll be rich. And even if you do become rich, if you're not smart you will quickly lose it all, so to get to the point; education is vital and it is vital that children get a good education from a young age as this is the time where they are easily influenced by outside forces.

 In order for children to aspire to other thing other than fame they need to be shown the negative aspects of fame, they need to be shown that even though these people on the front cover of magazines seem happy, they're not and how the intrusive media has decided show their most private moments and how they have zero privacy. If that doesn't work than maybe the kids should understand how these " celebrities" have to turn to prostitution just so that they can pay the rent.

 Fame and money can quickly be turned against you and even lost, so by the end you can be the most hated person and also a person who is swimming in debt! But Knowledge, what you have in your mind can never be taken away from you- only if you let it. That is why having a strong education at the start of you life will continue to help you and that is why I continue to hate the Government for slashing funds for things like schools and cultural project like museums and libraries. The Government believes it is helping by providing things like apprenticeship's and NVQ course, where as these do help, they are just a band aid and wont be helpful in the long term.

 The older children get, the harder it is for then to accept new things. I'm not saying it is impossible to teach them new things, on the contrary, they will learn new things but by this age their priorities have changed and they are more influenced by whatever is " hot" in the media. The media is a tool that can be used to better society or to worsen it. The Western world has used it for the latter, what else could explain why kids are the way they are. Magazines, films, TV, radio etc are just businesses at the end of the day, and a business's sole objection is to make a profit and if the kids want to see celebrities, that is what they'll get, it's a circle, whatever will make more money will be splashed over everything and because the kids prioritize fame over everything else, this is what they'll get. If we want things to change we will have to get our priorities sorted out, and they only way we can do that is to have the sense to first understand that something is wrong and the only way to do that is through EDUCATION.

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