Thursday, 12 June 2014

Power to the Corporations?

No matter what the media is telling you the economy is not getting better. Everywhere in the mainstream media they are repeating buzzwords such as "growth" and that we are on “the road to recovery", all of that is horse shit if anything, things have gotten worse and that is why Boris Johnson has brought in water canons and why politicians are trying so hard to make the idea of dissent illegal. Does this sound like a good thing?

When the mainstream media says that unemployment has fallen; what they fail to mention is that it has been replaced by part time or zero hour contracts which is just a fancier way of saying slavery. Wages are stagnant and in some case have fallen dramatically while the price of everyday goods have doubled, so in essence your money is worth less, which ultimately means the people have lost any buying power. Now how is the economy on the up and up if people are still struggling to feed themselves? And as proof that it’s getting a lot worse Boris Johnson has bought giant water canons, but aren't these Water canons illegal and are not even allowed on British land?

 They are already bending the rules to save themselves, and isn't the reason behind all the public sector cuts.. because we're in so much debt, so how can the Government justify spending all that taxpayers money on this weapon against the people? If I'm not mistaken countries such as India, Pakistan and China ( and the States) are more concerned with having a large military than feeding the people, and people here are so snobbish when they talk about them now they're just the same- what do they say about that? We are just making the same mistakes again, just take this " help to buy" scheme, it is just encouraging people to get back into debt and the wonderful Bank of England is doing it's best to help the banksters while the people are suffering from low interest rates.

Need I remind you that Fascism is a response to the failure of economic development and we are already getting a rise in nationalism, which is just another form of racism, just look at groups like the EDL and UKiP, they should be ignored and kept under control, yet they are allowed to infect young minds and grow. What is particularly popular now is this suspicion towards Muslims- just take a look at the news, they're doing their best to splatter hate and violence all day long and blame Islam- The media in this country is as much to blame for the downfall of this society than the government ... and they're both working with big corporations, if that doesn't give you an idea of how close we are to becoming a fascist country-


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