Thursday, 26 June 2014

It's already here..

.... I know people don't want to believe it, they would rather keep their heads buried in the sand, but the NHS is no more. It has more or less gone private, and what's worse is they're trying to convince the people it's a good thing... and in most cases it's working! People who don't have the privilege of private health care are being forced to endure ridiculously long waiting times, and even when we do see the GP/ doctors we are being forced to jump through hoops and get more and more useless paperwork done before we can get any treatment. And you can thank Cameron and the rest of the Tory toffs for that!

This policy basically harms the poor, the people who can't afford private healthcare, what kind of society will do this to the most vulnerable people in society?? And if you do get an appointment you also get a little note attached, explaining to you how much you're costing the Government and the taxpayers- tell me.. is it even close to how much the banksters got in the 2008 banking crisis?!

They want you to feel ashamed and guilty, for what?? being sick! In a civilized society Government is supposed to look after the most vulnerable, not make them feel like a criminal for expecting a basic human right. Some things in society shouldn't be about mere profit, things you can't live without like; healthcare, utilities such as gas and water and education, these things are the tools that are needed to make a better society. Yet all the toff will think about is his wallet, and the service and quality is overlooked instead they start looking for ways to cut corners so they can have a bigger profit margin!!

Tell me... if you were having  bypass surgery and the doctor was more interest in saving money than your life, wouldn't you be worried?  A system that has a higher interest in profits rather than the people... who else thinks this way???

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Let's all focus on the World Cup....

.... And forget that we're slipping into a totalitarian state that is ruled by idiots!

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Did you know....

... Austerity is just robbery under a different name, the Government claims " we're all in it together" but in reality we're not, It's a bit like Animal Farm by George Orwell "where all animals are equal.. but some animal are more equal that others." Austerity is just the confiscation and redistribution of wealth, so basically they confiscate it from the hardworking people of the country and give it to the selfish whores at the top ( the corporation and the monarchy)

Government is meant to protect the average Joe against the greed and constant exploitation of the multi- million pound corporation... Yet they seem to be collusion with them and they're constantly looking out for themselves and not giving a second thought to all the people they are screwing over because of their selfishness and greed.

Austerity is a prime example of the overwhelming greed and corruption in this country. The Government has slashed funding for public services like: education, the NHS and pensions are the big three, and they are three major areas that will directly impact the poor and increase the inequality in this country to third world status. Instead of cutting back on welfare and demonizing those people who rely on it to survive, maybe they should stop giving welfare to the rich who are just too darn lazy to do an honest days work?!

There is a snobbish tinge to this country, people actually believe they are better than the third world where in actual fact they are no better!  The fact that Boris Johnson has bought water canons to intimidate any potential dissenters and the fact the companies like Cuadrilla can just drill all sorts of chemical onto your land, that will probably give you cancer and pollute your water supply but thanks to the Queen they don't even have to tell you about it should tell you how backwards this country is.

But hey, let's all get distracted by The World Cup and just ignore the fact that this country is diving ever deeper into FASCISM.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Education is priceless!

The priorities of society are so of the mark it is not even funny! Kids today are more interested in fame and nothing else, what they have to realize is that just because you're famous, that doesn't automatically mean you'll be rich. And even if you do become rich, if you're not smart you will quickly lose it all, so to get to the point; education is vital and it is vital that children get a good education from a young age as this is the time where they are easily influenced by outside forces.

 In order for children to aspire to other thing other than fame they need to be shown the negative aspects of fame, they need to be shown that even though these people on the front cover of magazines seem happy, they're not and how the intrusive media has decided show their most private moments and how they have zero privacy. If that doesn't work than maybe the kids should understand how these " celebrities" have to turn to prostitution just so that they can pay the rent.

 Fame and money can quickly be turned against you and even lost, so by the end you can be the most hated person and also a person who is swimming in debt! But Knowledge, what you have in your mind can never be taken away from you- only if you let it. That is why having a strong education at the start of you life will continue to help you and that is why I continue to hate the Government for slashing funds for things like schools and cultural project like museums and libraries. The Government believes it is helping by providing things like apprenticeship's and NVQ course, where as these do help, they are just a band aid and wont be helpful in the long term.

 The older children get, the harder it is for then to accept new things. I'm not saying it is impossible to teach them new things, on the contrary, they will learn new things but by this age their priorities have changed and they are more influenced by whatever is " hot" in the media. The media is a tool that can be used to better society or to worsen it. The Western world has used it for the latter, what else could explain why kids are the way they are. Magazines, films, TV, radio etc are just businesses at the end of the day, and a business's sole objection is to make a profit and if the kids want to see celebrities, that is what they'll get, it's a circle, whatever will make more money will be splashed over everything and because the kids prioritize fame over everything else, this is what they'll get. If we want things to change we will have to get our priorities sorted out, and they only way we can do that is to have the sense to first understand that something is wrong and the only way to do that is through EDUCATION.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The blame game

At some point in our life, we are all guilty of misplacing blame, whether it be in our personal life of professional- we are all guilty. But it has come to a very destructive and divisive point, people are blaming the more vulnerable people in society instead of seeing who is really to blame, and it's because of this misplaced blame that people are actually fighting against their own interest.

 A civilization is deemed as advanced or civil by the way they treat their population e.g a strong welfare state and a healthy middle class! A country should not be applauded just because they have the most millionaires, in actual fact this should be a sign that shows you how backwards and corrupt it is, and also it is a very sad indication of the state of society- greed, corrupt and ultimately selfish. When people are just looking out for their own interest, they aren't looking at the wider implications of their actions. This is in fact very counter productive and will lead to inefficiencies.

The media has a huge role to play in this, but more specifically the Murdoch Media like "The Sun" and "Fox news". They are continually seen dehumanizing the most vulnerable people in society and this can lead to a feeling of isolation and sometimes even violence. You constantly see images of how " great" the royals are and how they are actually good for society???

They hardly ever focus on the fact that it is your tax money that is paying for their tours around the world, I mean, just the amount we pay for the security would be enough to pay for a much needed upgrade in the health care in this country- but oh no, that's the fault of immigrants who come here just to be sick, totally absurd! But the Media has you all worshiping them and not only them, the banksters that financially raped the whole country, everyone has just given them a free pass, but if a person claims any sort of benefits they are lazy and just want hand outs, but people are okay with giving handouts to the banks ( who are still screwing us over) and the rich because they've been portrayed as " job creators"- What a bunch of horse shit! And the wonderful Boris Johnson, who has spent millions on these water cannons that are purely designed to silence the people has said that if your poor it's because you're stupid! And why are people stupid??? And I answer, it's because they decide to slash funding in education so that they can increase the military and help out their friends in the financial sector.

 The population need to wake up and realize who is the real enemy.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Calm down, it's only a game (FORZA AZZURRI)

There is so much else going on in the world like the protest in Brazil and not to forget the devastating floods in southern Brazil, but there is something about this game in particular that gets me excited, it's an opportunity to prove to everyone in England that the Italian game is more than defending, if I'm to be perfectly honest, defending in Serie A has started to be wane.

The English underestimate the value at defending but it is equally important to defend than it is to be an astounding attacker.The game of football is about both, just imagine if you had a job and you were a whiz at the computers but you couldn't talk to anyone, you would be pretty crappy at your job, the same goes for the beautiful game. They're both equally as important and vital to the game. This just shows the nasty side of the English, anything they don't understand or is different to them they'll treat with suspicion and distrust!

But back to the game; Gianluigi Buffon is out and it is feared that he might miss the whole competition!! This would be truly horrible as he also missed the 2010 World Cup due to injury. I've explained how defending is important but having a great goalkeeper is equally important, if not more. Buffon is more than a keeper, he is the captain and as a true captain he is a great leader, he is experienced in the big games and is able to handle the pressure and he exudes that sense of calm to the players in front of him which is always a good thing. And if you go a goal down ( God forbid!) he is still able to stay focused and make sure his teammates remain focused. Get well soon Gigi!

Another miss is Riccardo Montolivio, he got injured during the " friendly" against the Republic of Ireland. He would have brought extra elegance to the midfield and he has a good head on his shoulders and in games where the heat and strain starts to get to you, intelligence, not speed is vital. He will be missed and it's sad for him as at the age of 29, this could be his last major tournament .. and he missed out because a brute broke his leg in what was essentially an exhibitiom match, but I'm sure Area Pirlo, Claudio Marchisio and Marco Verratti can handle it!

But hey, it's just a game.. right?

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Power to the Corporations?

No matter what the media is telling you the economy is not getting better. Everywhere in the mainstream media they are repeating buzzwords such as "growth" and that we are on “the road to recovery", all of that is horse shit if anything, things have gotten worse and that is why Boris Johnson has brought in water canons and why politicians are trying so hard to make the idea of dissent illegal. Does this sound like a good thing?

When the mainstream media says that unemployment has fallen; what they fail to mention is that it has been replaced by part time or zero hour contracts which is just a fancier way of saying slavery. Wages are stagnant and in some case have fallen dramatically while the price of everyday goods have doubled, so in essence your money is worth less, which ultimately means the people have lost any buying power. Now how is the economy on the up and up if people are still struggling to feed themselves? And as proof that it’s getting a lot worse Boris Johnson has bought giant water canons, but aren't these Water canons illegal and are not even allowed on British land?

 They are already bending the rules to save themselves, and isn't the reason behind all the public sector cuts.. because we're in so much debt, so how can the Government justify spending all that taxpayers money on this weapon against the people? If I'm not mistaken countries such as India, Pakistan and China ( and the States) are more concerned with having a large military than feeding the people, and people here are so snobbish when they talk about them now they're just the same- what do they say about that? We are just making the same mistakes again, just take this " help to buy" scheme, it is just encouraging people to get back into debt and the wonderful Bank of England is doing it's best to help the banksters while the people are suffering from low interest rates.

Need I remind you that Fascism is a response to the failure of economic development and we are already getting a rise in nationalism, which is just another form of racism, just look at groups like the EDL and UKiP, they should be ignored and kept under control, yet they are allowed to infect young minds and grow. What is particularly popular now is this suspicion towards Muslims- just take a look at the news, they're doing their best to splatter hate and violence all day long and blame Islam- The media in this country is as much to blame for the downfall of this society than the government ... and they're both working with big corporations, if that doesn't give you an idea of how close we are to becoming a fascist country-


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Ignoring the issue...

The thing that separated us from the third world was that we had a Government that looked out for all its people.... or so we thought. The welfare system is already being eroded and now it seems they are trying to do that with the people too. In so called luxury areas of London they have installed spikes to try and deter " rough sleepers"- where is their humanity and compassion?

Oh, wait a second, I forgot the government has been absorbed by corporation and corporations have no humanity, they just make money of the backs of humanity! The more important issue that people are neglecting to even address is... why are there so many homeless people? I mean if this is a rich country, why are so many people left without a roof over their heads?

The simple answer is that it is only rich for the few ( the royals and the banksters) but the rest of us are left in the city's filth. We are taking a step back to The Dark Ages where your life was worth less because of you social standing.

The road to tyranny

According to Wikipedia, tyranny " is the exercise of power beyond right which no one can have right to; and this is making  use of power anyone has in his hands, not for the good of those who are under it, but for his own private separate agenda".- Does this at all sound familiar???
The entire policies of this country could fall under this umbrella. Just take " fracking" as an example; no one wants it. it has been proven to cause health problems and is devastating to the environment, yet the Queen has now made it easier for companies to drill on you land, they don't even have to ask your permission, and why?? Because that land was never yours; the Queen owns it!

Another definition that I found on-line that is perhaps more apt to our situation is: The system of governance that had developed around aristocracy and monarchy". In Latin the word tyranny means " illegitimate leader"

Can anyone connect the dots? Not only do they ignore our protests but now they have made it so that people don't protest about the important things, and how do they do this; by threats and intimidation- just ask Glenn Greenwald, he was just reporting on a story of laws being broken by the government and his partner David Miranda got treated like a criminal at Heathrow Airport.

Anyone even remotely connected to whatever the "powers that be" don't like- are not safe. And why has it become like this?? Because no one was paying attention to the signs of Dictatorship. Dictatorship is roughly described as a regime that is continually breaking the law and excusing it by saying that it was necessary to keep you safe.

Sound familiar??

Friday, 6 June 2014

The Social society?

Modern day society is more connected and more social networks have popped up... but can you really call spending ten hours on the computer really socializing. Remember the good old days when you met actual people and not just their "avatars". Their was a time when people actually physically met up, and didn't just press connect on their electronic devices. Now what?! People are too lazy to meet people anymore or have we just become so narcissistic that we need approval from strangers and we need to tell everyone about ourselves, we're doing half of the NSA'S job for them, can't yo see?

I know what you might think, who am I to criticize about social networks as I spend most of my time blogging. But I grew up in a time before all of this, and I made friends the old fashion way before Facebook and twitter, so I learnt social skills with people and not a computer. Children that are being exposed to all this technology now aren't gaining anything, they're actually losing and they won't have the neccesary tools to deal with the world. And just to make things clear, blogging is not the same because I'm not actually connecting virtually with anyone, I just write because I enjoy writing, when I want to meet people I go out into the physical world.

Stages of Empire

Stage 1: The age of the pioneers

 Stage2: The age of conquest

 Stage3: The age of commerce

 Stage 4: The age of affluence

 Stage 5 The age of intellect

 Stage 6: The age of decadence ..
 And a new entry especially for us:

 Stage 7: The age of STUPID.

 You have to be completely oblivious if you can't see what's happening,the west has an over extended and perhaps the most ill disciplined military, you have an increased number of individuals flaunting their wealth while the gap between rich and poor is wider then ever, people have an increased obsession with sex and celebrity- like that really matters! And above all else you have this collective delusion about how everything is normal. The rich have achieved something far more disgusting than an absurd amount of wealth, they have created this myth that they are better than us and that are happiness and existence relies on them- what a bunch of BS! They have also diverted the blame and made it so the poor fight with each other while they sit on an ivory throne.

 People really need to slow down and pay more attention to what's going on in the world.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Fascism never died...

.... It was just asleep for a long time. People would rather believe a lie than accept what is happening to them. The popular news may have everyone believing in the so called economic recovery, but does anyone really believe it? People are surviving on Food Banks and people are constantly getting screwed by these short term loan companies, more and more people are being made homeless but do you ever hear about it; no because the Kardashian wedding and the World Cup are more important that things like: growing food insecurity, the widening income gap and the fact that this is becoming a closed society!

Fascism is first and foremost a cultural phenomenon before a political movement. The individual is made to feel like nothing and is forced into whatever belief that community has. Fascism came about as a revolt against modernity and the age of Enlightenment, one could say we are entering the age of stupid, it sure seems that way when you see which way people are voting and how easily people believe stories on the "news" without question.

Fascism is a response to the economic backwardness under capitalism, and what we have in place is not exactly Capitalism it is more like Crony Capitalism- so it is much worse! All across the UK unemployment in rising and living costs are rising at twice the speed, this is the melting pot for some very unhappy people. And when people are unhappy and when they feel they are not being heard by their representative they will usually turn to the people who say they can deliver and give them a sense of ( false) security, even if they have no intention to deliver on what they promised- like UKiP.

Another scary thing we have in common with Fascism is we have no free press, Journalist are getting harassed or even arrested for saying anything critical about the Government and corporations are deciding what kinds of policies are going to be made- even if it is going against the will of the people. Just take " Fracking" as an example, people have been protesting against it and it has been proven that the cost of doing it outweighs the benefits, but still they are doing it-and why I hear you ask... because big business wants it done and now the queen has made it so they don't even have to ask your permission if they want to drill they can just go right ahead and do it!

I have heard people say that we live in the " age of information", that may be true, but we have limited access to the information that matters because the powers that be think it is in the nations best interest not to know it, so we don't live in the age of information, we live in the age of distractions, so people don't realize that the rich are getting away with all your money and you are completely screwed. But hey, forget about it, the World Cup is arriving soon, that's whats worth getting worked up over not the simple fact that far- right policies are coming into affect but a game...

How can the people stay informed if you keep shutting dowm any alternitive view to your own?