Sunday, 12 January 2014

Me, myself and I

You are told from the day you could talk all the way through school and higher education that competition is great and that it is helpful to society. You are actively taught that you must be a complete ass inorder to be successful and that you must screw everyone else in order to get the top job, but what they left out is that you cannot sustain any form of success without some form of co operation.

This kind of individualistic selfish attitude started with Margaret Thatcher and was continued with John Major through to Tony Blair and then Gordon Brown and finally David Cameron. It was mo secret that " Maggie" was a huge admirer of America and thought  of herself as an American. She helped to bring that kind of consumer culture over here and it makes me sick to my stomach how much like the US we have become thanks to her "little revolution".

Has anyone taken a good hard look at the people across the pond?? They don't exactly look healthy. A huge percentage of their population live in poverty, homelessness, uneducated and without basic healthcare- oh I so want to be like that! ( in case you didn't get it, I'm being sarcastic). All she probably saw was the  super rich corporations and the shopping malls that are everywhere!

Who would want to live like this, where the people are being blamed for being poor, where they're being told that it's their fault that they are in that situation and that they are just stupid and lazy!! That attitude has already come here, the London Mayor Boris Johnson actually said that if you're poor you're just stupid!!! Forgetting the fact that the Tory toffs have made it almost impossible for anyone to get into higher education to improve themself and the media is bombarding us with pointless "celebrity" crap everyday!

People should embrace competition but also co operation, as it is almost impossible to achieve anything without a little help.The Tory toggs had a huge helping hand in the form of mummy and daddy's huge wealth, so stop feeding crap to this country in the form of the self made man, because most likely he got help from someone.

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