Anyone with half a brain can see that something is terribly wrong with the environment, how can you not see it?? One day it is bitterly cold and the next it is gale force winds and pouring with rain, just look at the US where the Niagara Falls has frozen!! Has anyone seen the film The Day after Tomorrow? Does any of this look at all familiar? I guess that's is part of the problem, people expect a major catastrophe to happen immediately like in the movies otherwise they just chalk it off as "an isolated incident", not knowing that this is natures way of telling us something is very wrong.
The Government, in all its wisdom has decided to ignore this and instead focus on issues like jobs and the economy. Now I'm not claiming that these are not important issues but what's the point of having a job and cheap energy when your home is flooded?
People are now just coming to terms with climate change- a little late! For years now the weather has been off, has anyone noticed how we no longer have any seasons? I'm not that old, but I remember from Easter holidays in school all the way to September, we used to have fine weather, and when I say fine I don't mean a week of extremely hot weather I mean at least 4-5 months of sunshine and warm days. I remember when by April gardens used to be filled with daffodils, now, flowers rarely come out and when they do they often die within a week, sometimes even less! The tress never bloom like they used to and that is a sad sight.
To all this evidence that something is very wrong with the environment, the government is proposing the dirtiest form of energy extraction; " fracking". This kind of drilling has been proven to have major health risks from contaminated water to an increase number of cancer cases. But that only takes into concern the effects to people, what about the natural world? The land will never be able to recover from all the drilling and the chemicals, it will also have a negative effect on the ecosystem by basically turning the water into poison. People also forget about the amount of energy and fresh water used in the process, is it
really worth it??
Despite what the Government tries to drum into you, energy prices will not go down, at least not for you! Do you really think that private companies will want to share any benefits, if it has a negative effect on their overall profits, I highly doubt it! I mean your own government doesn't care about you, if they did then the would have taken into consideration the protests from the local people, but they went ahead with it anyway. And why I hear you ask....The Government is treating the country more like a business, you can't do that when it effects millions of people, Government is SUPPOSED to look after the well being of the people not the corporations. People and Government are also guilty of being greedy and wasteful and that has led to this frantic rush to get energy from more and more dangerous places, this will eventually come back to bite humanity on the ass- if it already hasn't!!!
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