Thursday, 23 January 2014

Condemning us to a world of pain and misery

The UK Government consists of the biggest selections of retards I have ever heard of!!! There idea of tackling climate change is by encouraging the dirtiest and the most dangerous method of energy exploration; fracking. I don't think any form of logic goes into there thinking, and I got to say I'm a little disappointed by the European Commision, I expected more forward thinking from them, but I guess it doesn't matter that future generations will never know know what a tree looked like or how many different species of animals we used to have, because they will probably have to live underground because the air will be so toxic!

Mother nature has been sick for years and even to the dimming person out there- they must have noticed something was wrong?  I mean just look at Nort America, they look like scenes from The Day after Tomorrow, you know, the film with Jake Gyllenhaal and Denis Quaid where they describe this exact predicament!!  Just because it is freezing in the US does not mean that Global Warming is a hoax, in matter of fact it does the opposite- it proves it. And if you ever get around to watching the aforementioned film, Mr Quaid explains it!!!

People are not being made aware of how dangerous this method of drilling is, they just gloss past these questions with some rehearsed "soundbites" about how it will create more jobs and energy prices will go down. Let me ask you this, what's the point of having a job when you have to drink contaminated water and breathe polluted air?!

I just have another question for those toffs at Downing Street; you though wind farms will ruin the view behind your country house, what do you think a whole bunch of fracking wells will do? Just take a look across the pond.

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