Saturday, 4 January 2014

A closed society.

1. Invoke an internal and external threat - i.e Muslims want to introduce Shiria law!?! and Romanians are
going to take our jobs.

2. Secret prisons where torture take place- well,  obviously they're secret so I wouldn't know, but have you ever heard the PM talk...that's torture!

3. Develop a paramilitary force- Any time there's a peaceful march, have you seen the (military) police?!

4. Surveil ordinary citizens- have you not hear of GCHQ??

5. Infiltrate citizen groups- there are none that I've heard of, probably because they have all been silenced.

6. Detain and release ordinary citizens- David Miranda anyone!!

7. Target key individuals- Again David Miranda, Glenn Greewald and Julian Assange!

8. Restrict the press- The government destroying the Guardian offices a clear intimidation tactic!

9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason- Have you people been asleep all this time?! How do you not see?!

10. Subvert the rule of law- we have no constitution, so they can constantly do this!

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