Friday, 3 January 2014

Believing the lie....

The fact that people can forget such important lessons of the past (year) and be so easily manipulated into believing everything is fine, it's not fine it may be fine for the rich and privileged but not for the average Joe! Just because the newspaper and the so called economic experts are saying we have started to recover, doesn't make it true- have people forgot how these " experts" said everything was fine just be the crash in 07?!

In this country that continues to call itself " great" even though it is dealing with mass poverty and hunger, there is also a huge dependence on food banks and a huge number of people who have to decide whether to heat their homes or feed their family- yet this country continues to think of itself as great, when a country can't even provide shelter or food for the most vulnerable in society they're not great, they're mediocre!

The policy of austerity is being drummed down our throats and there are even some people that believe it is good and eventually we will recover, austerity is not the work of the devil but the way they are using it can be considered to be an act of evil. They are cutting public service like the NHS and education and raising the cost of living to an absurd price and they are even stopping people from moving around by increasing the prices of tickets again! And they are saying they are doing all of this to help us be less dependant on the benefit system!! Yet they continue to give benefits to the rich in the form of tax breaks and BAILOUTS! 

They are trying so desperately to kick the poor out of London, first with the bedroom tax and now by making it almost impossible to commute into London. Why don't they royals have to pay bedroom tax? the Queen has over 60 room, in her London premises, why doesn't she do her bit since " we're all in it together?
The transport authorities claim that this latest increase is going towards the upgrade of the system, that is complete BS! They have been saying the same line for the past 10 years and I have not seen any improvement. They may claim that it's a big job, and they're right, it is a big job but only because they have neglected it for so long! The same goes to the sewage system that hasn't been updated since the Victorian Age!

People in this country suffer from Stockholm syndrome, they have developed a bond with their captor and will do what they can to preserve their current substandard way of life. That is why the holiday season is starting to fill me with so much disgust and hatred toward these people who think they have to go out and almost kill each other to get things that will make it a perfect Christmas. People are so easily manipulated into spending all their money and getting deeper into debt, for what? One day that you'll probably forget and won'd even enjoy because you'll be so drunk and will spend the night with your head down the toilet!! The thing that should get taxed ( besides the corporations and the wealthy) is alcohol, they put a huge strain on the health services and they even have to bring special police out for the Christmas parties. Immigrants are not straining the system, local people are, people who believe that in order to have a good time you have to be off you face. But the Government wont, because they wont you to be off your face all the time, it makes it easier for them to rob you.

It makes me sad that people believe this is progress and freedom when they are enslaved and don't even know it.

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