Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Fascism 2014

Every individual in this country is taught history at school, yet it seems that everyone fails to connect the dots and realise that we are making the same mistakes again. One of the reason behind this “collective amnesia” is rather simple, people believe that history is not important because it’s all in the past, but what people fail to recognise is that if we pay attention to what we did in the past it will prevent us from making the same mistake again, because, in theory we should have learned from it. Just a couple of months ago I had a terrible fall that  left my face rather bruised, so from that painful mistake I learned to pay more attention while I was walking because the footpath is uneven.

I had a big incentive to learn from past mistakes- to avoid pain and embarrassment!  One would think the Government would have a bigger incentive to learn from past mistake- Does Fascism or Nazism ring a bell?!  A whole generation of people lost.  Yet today I see many of the same aspects of what happened then, in the world today.

This financial crisis which has led to austerity and unemployment for many, are just a couple of the main ingredients needed for fascism to grow unfettered.  Fascism is often a political response to the failure of the economic development; basically it is a result of the “backwardness” of Capitalism. Believe it or not, there are actually people who don’t believe there is something wrong, they believe Europe is in a catastrophe while they have just come out of this crisis with some minor scraps, now how are we to make any progress if people refuse to admit there’s a problem. This is what I like to call delusional behaviour or an inability to deal with ones reality.

People refuse to accept that this country has huge elements of racism, just take a look at the media with their front page splashed with things like : “Romanians are going to invade” or images of Muslim women wearing the Nikab and suggesting that Islam is an oppressive religion and that they refuse to let women show their faces in public, not knowing that nearly all the women in this country have a choice and that they choose to wear it. And in actual fact the women that wear it feel liberated ( from the gaze of pervy men)
This Government have shown just how unwelcoming and intolerant this country is. All this fuss about how we’re going to get a flood of Romanians and only 3 are actually shown on the news channels.

Also I’ve discovered just how arrogant and stubborn the English public are, they insist on you learning English and their culture ( which is going to the pub), yet they refuse to learn or appreciate other cultures, they even refuse to acknowledge any other culture because they believe being English is the only one “ worthy” of acknowledgment. That is just the tip of the iceberg of their arrogance- you just have to watch them during the World Cup. If someone dares to refuse to join in with this custom of getting so drunk you forget how to walk, they label you as anti social and unwilling to integrate!!!

The UK is under the delusion that everyone is clamouring to get into this country, when in actual fact that’s not the case. Why would a person want to be treated like scum or scroungers and why on Earth would a person willingly put them in a situation where all they are greeted by is mistrust and hatred, thanks in no small part to the over sensationalised right- wing media??  Almost every form of media tries to convey the UK as a “world player” and how this lonely little island in actually important and everyone just wishes it could be like us because we’re so civilized and everyone else are just a bunch of savages. Empires in the past would talk about the rest of the world like this, the UK is no longer an empire and they’re in denial about that fact and will trample over its population to try and maintain that illusion!

How about instead of spending billions on a unnecessary military and the royals, why not try to update the infrastructure that hasn’t been updated since the Victorian times! How about trying to improve our education and health systems and how about a little less hate and mistrust to foreigners especially in the mainstream media. The latter will happen if the population has the intellect to see how skewed the media is and if they want to change.  But if people don’t have the intellect to see that something is wrong, nothing will change.
All of this hatred and mistrust has to start from somewhere: the Government. The Government has over time made people feel this way by their policies and practices. And the only way they could manipulate the population to such a degree that the atmosphere is almost hysteria, is if people are too simple to comprehend that they are being manipulated. It always stems from how educated the population is, and this Government of toffs have made it almost impossible for the average person to get a proper education by tripling the cost to go into higher education therefore also discouraging anyone to study past the age of 16!

Other than our personal lives becoming difficult because of all the policies being forced on us, our professional/ work lives have gotten even more unbearable. Employees rights have been disappearing for a long time now, from shorter lunch breaks to just taking away the breaks all together.  Wages have been dropping lower and lower and the way most companies get away with this is by having incentives like days out, and the whole thinking behind pensions is to make sure you have a smaller pay packet now. Rather than all this I would want the money now, but you can’t because they have made the Pension scheme mandatory, another Ponzi scheme!

They have completely de- humanized the workforce by making them work longer and longer hour for less pay and no guarantee that they will have a job tomorrow. All this added anxiety can’t be good, but they don’t care, all they care about is how big the profit margin is, if they have to turn the workplace into  “ death factories” to make sure they make a profit- so be it!
To sum up, we do live in a fascist country whether you want to accept it or not, and let’s face it you have to be pretty dim if you can’t see the warning signs!  Certain section of the population have been demonised, immigration is tightening up, there has been a dramatic rise in nationalism and unemployment which has lead to more groups like the EDL popping up and groups like UKIP having a political influence, and there has been a demolition of the middle class- it’s just the really rich and the rest of us!  All of this can just spell one thing- FASICSM!

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