Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Happy Birthday, Buffon!

Gianluigi Buffon may have turned 36 today but that hardly means he is nearing the end of his career. "Gigi has been at Juve for 13 years and has seen and done so much, but even though he has won 6 Scudetti, a serie B Championship and 4 Supercups with Juve there is still one trophy that eludes him- The Champions League, and like I said before, his career is far from over, so he could still win this.

Buffon has the maturity and experience of winning that he is such an inspiration to all around him and I believe that his leadership qualities and incredible modesty has led to Juventus having such a solid defence. He is not just a goalkeeper, he is a mentor, as I watch the game he is constantly directing and motivating his team mates like a true captain. If on the rare occasion that he makes a mistake he has the maturity to take the punishment like a man and not blame the referee
like he did in the game against lazio. Where everyne thought his sending off was a little harsh, he knew the ref was just doing his job, and even though he wont be in the game against Inter on Sunday, we all know his mere presence can have an effect on the game.

Happy 36th Birthday Gigi!

Monday, 27 January 2014


The state of the media....

Profit instead of people?

Having a business mentality in every aspect of your life is not always such a great thing. If you were selling clothes or handbags it would be fine because the consumer has other choices and their lives don't depend on it. Yet what I find troubling is when people talk about healthcare in the same way, they say things like " competition" and " profits" and nowhere in the discussion do I hear about improving care for everyone- just the very rich.

People may argue that the American style healthcare system wont come over here because the people will be outraged, yet we have other " American" style things that already here like, GMO's, Fracking and OBESITY! So just because people say it will never happen doesn't necessarily mean its not going to happen anyway. This country has an insane obsession about being more like them, tell what about them do you find so appealing, is it the rampant poverty and homelessness, the obesity, the fact that most of the population is violently allergic to something or the blatant racism and homophobia and last but not least- the low standard of public education??

The only thing this Government has its eyes firmly fixed on is PROFITS and the success of the corporations. How do you think they made all those profits??? They made them through the naked exploitation of the public, the same public that the people in power were elected to protect, but I forget... they weren't actually elected in the true " democratic" sense, they were bought and paid for by these very same corporation in the guise of lobbyists which is the same as bribery!

The Americanization has already started here and it saddens mean that people can't see where this is headed. The NHS has already been gutted, thanks to the austerity plan, parts of the NHS are already owned or in the process of being acquired by private companies, and because the services are losing funding the care that you receive will also go down. All this cost cutting will force people to get private health care and the rest will suffer and have to put up with substandard care and absurd waiting times, all due to the fact that nurses and doctors have been cut due to cost cutting measures and all in the name of higher profits!

People should really think about where this is headed, a world where everything even our lives are only valuable if they make a profit, is that a world you really want your children and grandchildren to live in?

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Condemning us to a world of pain and misery

The UK Government consists of the biggest selections of retards I have ever heard of!!! There idea of tackling climate change is by encouraging the dirtiest and the most dangerous method of energy exploration; fracking. I don't think any form of logic goes into there thinking, and I got to say I'm a little disappointed by the European Commision, I expected more forward thinking from them, but I guess it doesn't matter that future generations will never know know what a tree looked like or how many different species of animals we used to have, because they will probably have to live underground because the air will be so toxic!

Mother nature has been sick for years and even to the dimming person out there- they must have noticed something was wrong?  I mean just look at Nort America, they look like scenes from The Day after Tomorrow, you know, the film with Jake Gyllenhaal and Denis Quaid where they describe this exact predicament!!  Just because it is freezing in the US does not mean that Global Warming is a hoax, in matter of fact it does the opposite- it proves it. And if you ever get around to watching the aforementioned film, Mr Quaid explains it!!!

People are not being made aware of how dangerous this method of drilling is, they just gloss past these questions with some rehearsed "soundbites" about how it will create more jobs and energy prices will go down. Let me ask you this, what's the point of having a job when you have to drink contaminated water and breathe polluted air?!

I just have another question for those toffs at Downing Street; you though wind farms will ruin the view behind your country house, what do you think a whole bunch of fracking wells will do? Just take a look across the pond.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Are we really free??

Fascism 2014

Every individual in this country is taught history at school, yet it seems that everyone fails to connect the dots and realise that we are making the same mistakes again. One of the reason behind this “collective amnesia” is rather simple, people believe that history is not important because it’s all in the past, but what people fail to recognise is that if we pay attention to what we did in the past it will prevent us from making the same mistake again, because, in theory we should have learned from it. Just a couple of months ago I had a terrible fall that  left my face rather bruised, so from that painful mistake I learned to pay more attention while I was walking because the footpath is uneven.

I had a big incentive to learn from past mistakes- to avoid pain and embarrassment!  One would think the Government would have a bigger incentive to learn from past mistake- Does Fascism or Nazism ring a bell?!  A whole generation of people lost.  Yet today I see many of the same aspects of what happened then, in the world today.

This financial crisis which has led to austerity and unemployment for many, are just a couple of the main ingredients needed for fascism to grow unfettered.  Fascism is often a political response to the failure of the economic development; basically it is a result of the “backwardness” of Capitalism. Believe it or not, there are actually people who don’t believe there is something wrong, they believe Europe is in a catastrophe while they have just come out of this crisis with some minor scraps, now how are we to make any progress if people refuse to admit there’s a problem. This is what I like to call delusional behaviour or an inability to deal with ones reality.

People refuse to accept that this country has huge elements of racism, just take a look at the media with their front page splashed with things like : “Romanians are going to invade” or images of Muslim women wearing the Nikab and suggesting that Islam is an oppressive religion and that they refuse to let women show their faces in public, not knowing that nearly all the women in this country have a choice and that they choose to wear it. And in actual fact the women that wear it feel liberated ( from the gaze of pervy men)
This Government have shown just how unwelcoming and intolerant this country is. All this fuss about how we’re going to get a flood of Romanians and only 3 are actually shown on the news channels.

Also I’ve discovered just how arrogant and stubborn the English public are, they insist on you learning English and their culture ( which is going to the pub), yet they refuse to learn or appreciate other cultures, they even refuse to acknowledge any other culture because they believe being English is the only one “ worthy” of acknowledgment. That is just the tip of the iceberg of their arrogance- you just have to watch them during the World Cup. If someone dares to refuse to join in with this custom of getting so drunk you forget how to walk, they label you as anti social and unwilling to integrate!!!

The UK is under the delusion that everyone is clamouring to get into this country, when in actual fact that’s not the case. Why would a person want to be treated like scum or scroungers and why on Earth would a person willingly put them in a situation where all they are greeted by is mistrust and hatred, thanks in no small part to the over sensationalised right- wing media??  Almost every form of media tries to convey the UK as a “world player” and how this lonely little island in actually important and everyone just wishes it could be like us because we’re so civilized and everyone else are just a bunch of savages. Empires in the past would talk about the rest of the world like this, the UK is no longer an empire and they’re in denial about that fact and will trample over its population to try and maintain that illusion!

How about instead of spending billions on a unnecessary military and the royals, why not try to update the infrastructure that hasn’t been updated since the Victorian times! How about trying to improve our education and health systems and how about a little less hate and mistrust to foreigners especially in the mainstream media. The latter will happen if the population has the intellect to see how skewed the media is and if they want to change.  But if people don’t have the intellect to see that something is wrong, nothing will change.
All of this hatred and mistrust has to start from somewhere: the Government. The Government has over time made people feel this way by their policies and practices. And the only way they could manipulate the population to such a degree that the atmosphere is almost hysteria, is if people are too simple to comprehend that they are being manipulated. It always stems from how educated the population is, and this Government of toffs have made it almost impossible for the average person to get a proper education by tripling the cost to go into higher education therefore also discouraging anyone to study past the age of 16!

Other than our personal lives becoming difficult because of all the policies being forced on us, our professional/ work lives have gotten even more unbearable. Employees rights have been disappearing for a long time now, from shorter lunch breaks to just taking away the breaks all together.  Wages have been dropping lower and lower and the way most companies get away with this is by having incentives like days out, and the whole thinking behind pensions is to make sure you have a smaller pay packet now. Rather than all this I would want the money now, but you can’t because they have made the Pension scheme mandatory, another Ponzi scheme!

They have completely de- humanized the workforce by making them work longer and longer hour for less pay and no guarantee that they will have a job tomorrow. All this added anxiety can’t be good, but they don’t care, all they care about is how big the profit margin is, if they have to turn the workplace into  “ death factories” to make sure they make a profit- so be it!
To sum up, we do live in a fascist country whether you want to accept it or not, and let’s face it you have to be pretty dim if you can’t see the warning signs!  Certain section of the population have been demonised, immigration is tightening up, there has been a dramatic rise in nationalism and unemployment which has lead to more groups like the EDL popping up and groups like UKIP having a political influence, and there has been a demolition of the middle class- it’s just the really rich and the rest of us!  All of this can just spell one thing- FASICSM!

Monday, 13 January 2014

To Frack or not to Frack..

Anyone who watched Battlestar Galactica will know the meaning of the word "frack". We are quite literally screwing mother nature and why are we acting surprised when she gets angry?

And the Government knows this is bad for the environment that is why they are pushing these incentives like having better roads and infrastructure- isn't that what the local councils supposed to provide that anyway? All this is is BRIBERY! Are people really that stupid???

Sunday, 12 January 2014

The soul of you success.

An open letter to Juventus

Dear Transfer "Gurus" of Juventus,

I have been a loyal supporter and I understand that I am not qualified to make the decisions in regards to who leaves and who stays... but are you?! How could you even contemplate the idea of letting Paul Pogba go?? He has grown so much in the two seasons he has been in Turin, also you have put so much work in him and now you're going to let him go. It will be hard to get a replacement for him especially if you want to be competitive in Europe again, do you want to be known as the Arsenal of Italy- selling all your best players? It would be different but still stupid on his part if he wanted to leave, from the reports I've read, his wages might double in an attempt to keep him, but in the end you can't go to crazy money or otherwise it is a slap in the face for the more loyal players like Claudio Marchisio.

Again there has been rumours about him leaving for Man United and the fact that David Moyes was seen in the crowd is not helping the case! Marchisio has been the perfect player, in that he has not made a fuss about being on the peripheral for some time, this is a mark of a player who does not want to leave and if he goes it will be because he was pushed! Claudio should pay heed to the comments made by De Rossi in which he claimed that if he had gone last season to Manchester, he would have committed suicide. His statement may seem rather dramatic but what he was just pointing out was the fact that Roma are second in the league while Man U are 7th.  Juventus are in first place with a 8 point lead and it would be even sadder for him.

This is also a World Cup year and Claudio wants to be able to stay fit and if he moves to the EPL that surely will not happen- they're all brutes! Also the Premier League is not known for their technical skill and if he moves it might hinder his chance at playing for the Azzurri because he would have lost that technical skill that can only come from playing in Serie A. How can you even contemplate letting the HOME GROWN talent go? Don't end his career!

There has even been some talk of Arturo Vidal leaving, now that would be plain suicide, as Vidal has scored 8 goals with 4 assists showing that not only can he score goals but he can also create them for his team mates. He is vital if Juve have any desire to impress in The Champion League next season.

I urge the board at Juve to start taking their meds, as someone has obviously lost the plot!
A very concerned supporter,

Shiera Hall

Me, myself and I

You are told from the day you could talk all the way through school and higher education that competition is great and that it is helpful to society. You are actively taught that you must be a complete ass inorder to be successful and that you must screw everyone else in order to get the top job, but what they left out is that you cannot sustain any form of success without some form of co operation.

This kind of individualistic selfish attitude started with Margaret Thatcher and was continued with John Major through to Tony Blair and then Gordon Brown and finally David Cameron. It was mo secret that " Maggie" was a huge admirer of America and thought  of herself as an American. She helped to bring that kind of consumer culture over here and it makes me sick to my stomach how much like the US we have become thanks to her "little revolution".

Has anyone taken a good hard look at the people across the pond?? They don't exactly look healthy. A huge percentage of their population live in poverty, homelessness, uneducated and without basic healthcare- oh I so want to be like that! ( in case you didn't get it, I'm being sarcastic). All she probably saw was the  super rich corporations and the shopping malls that are everywhere!

Who would want to live like this, where the people are being blamed for being poor, where they're being told that it's their fault that they are in that situation and that they are just stupid and lazy!! That attitude has already come here, the London Mayor Boris Johnson actually said that if you're poor you're just stupid!!! Forgetting the fact that the Tory toffs have made it almost impossible for anyone to get into higher education to improve themself and the media is bombarding us with pointless "celebrity" crap everyday!

People should embrace competition but also co operation, as it is almost impossible to achieve anything without a little help.The Tory toggs had a huge helping hand in the form of mummy and daddy's huge wealth, so stop feeding crap to this country in the form of the self made man, because most likely he got help from someone.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Profits over Humanity!

Anyone with half a brain can see that something is terribly wrong with the environment, how can you not see it?? One day it is bitterly cold and the next it is gale force winds and pouring with rain, just look at the US where the Niagara Falls has frozen!! Has anyone seen the film The Day after Tomorrow? Does any of this look at all familiar? I guess that's is part of the problem, people expect a major catastrophe to happen immediately like in the movies otherwise they just chalk it off as "an isolated incident", not knowing that this is natures way of telling us something is very wrong.

The Government, in all its wisdom has decided to ignore this and instead focus on issues like jobs and the economy. Now I'm not claiming that these are not important issues but what's the point of having a job and cheap energy when your home is flooded?

People are now just coming to terms with climate change- a little late! For years now the weather has been off, has anyone noticed how we no longer have any seasons? I'm not that old, but I remember from Easter holidays in school all the way to September, we used to have fine weather, and when I say fine I don't mean a week of extremely hot weather I mean at least 4-5 months of sunshine and warm days. I remember when by April gardens used to be filled with daffodils, now, flowers rarely come out and when they do they often die within a week, sometimes even less! The tress never bloom like they used to and that is a sad sight.

To all this evidence that something is very wrong with the environment, the government is proposing the dirtiest form of energy extraction; " fracking". This kind of drilling has been proven to have major health risks from contaminated water to an increase number of cancer cases. But that only takes into concern the effects to people, what about the natural world? The land will never be able to recover from all the drilling and the chemicals, it will also have a negative effect on the ecosystem by basically turning the water into poison. People also forget about the amount of energy and fresh water used in the process, is it

 really worth it??

Despite what the Government tries to drum into you, energy prices will not go down, at least not for you! Do you really think that private companies will want to share any benefits, if it has a negative effect on their overall profits, I highly doubt it! I mean your own government doesn't care about you, if they did then the would have taken into consideration the protests from the local people, but they went ahead with it anyway. And why I hear you ask....The Government is treating the country more like a business, you can't do that when it effects millions of people, Government is SUPPOSED to look after the well being of the people not the corporations. People and Government are also guilty of being greedy and wasteful and that has led to this frantic rush to get energy from more and more dangerous places, this will eventually come back to bite humanity on the ass- if it already hasn't!!!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

What everyone is being made to believe!

UK and US policy- Blame the victim!

Torino how I miss you...

I miss the art that was everywhere, the beautiful landscape, the amazing food and the warm and not to forget intelligent people, I miss being so close to the Juventus Stadium and I regret not seeing the Basilica Di Superga.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Juventus V Roma

This game was hyped up in all the Italian paper as a "title decider", however I beg to differ, with 20 games still to go a lot can still happen. Some may assume that the big game are decisive but the league is often lost because of the points dropped against the "smaller teams".

Juventus may have an eight point advantage but it can quite easily be reduced rather easily if they start to get to big headed and don't play with the same concentration and patience as they did against Roma. The way they played against Roma was odd, as a fan of The Old Lady I wasn't used to seeing them play so deep, especially at home. Roma had a huge chunk of possession for large parts of the game but what they were lacking was that killer instinct which we had in Carlos Tevez. He may not have got his name on the score sheet yet it was his sheer tenacity that aided in the first goal, which was a wonderful strike by Arturo Vidal on the 17th minute.

Juve were patient and smart in the way they played, they knew Roma had speed and so, they made it hard for them to use that speed in an attack by having plenty of bodies in the way. Late on in the game Roma didn't make it easy for themselves by losing two players in the space of a minute! De Rossi got a straight red for a reckless tackle on Chiellini and Caston got a red for handling the ball when it looked like it was going in.

Roma lost their unbeaten run through a lack of maturity, but I still see a lot to do in this title fight if Juve want to win a third straight title. The Bianconeri must always be smarter than the opponent as they were on Sunday.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

A closed society.

1. Invoke an internal and external threat - i.e Muslims want to introduce Shiria law!?! and Romanians are
going to take our jobs.

2. Secret prisons where torture take place- well,  obviously they're secret so I wouldn't know, but have you ever heard the PM talk...that's torture!

3. Develop a paramilitary force- Any time there's a peaceful march, have you seen the (military) police?!

4. Surveil ordinary citizens- have you not hear of GCHQ??

5. Infiltrate citizen groups- there are none that I've heard of, probably because they have all been silenced.

6. Detain and release ordinary citizens- David Miranda anyone!!

7. Target key individuals- Again David Miranda, Glenn Greewald and Julian Assange!

8. Restrict the press- The government destroying the Guardian offices a clear intimidation tactic!

9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason- Have you people been asleep all this time?! How do you not see?!

10. Subvert the rule of law- we have no constitution, so they can constantly do this!

Friday, 3 January 2014

This is progress?!

Believing the lie....

The fact that people can forget such important lessons of the past (year) and be so easily manipulated into believing everything is fine, it's not fine it may be fine for the rich and privileged but not for the average Joe! Just because the newspaper and the so called economic experts are saying we have started to recover, doesn't make it true- have people forgot how these " experts" said everything was fine just be the crash in 07?!

In this country that continues to call itself " great" even though it is dealing with mass poverty and hunger, there is also a huge dependence on food banks and a huge number of people who have to decide whether to heat their homes or feed their family- yet this country continues to think of itself as great, when a country can't even provide shelter or food for the most vulnerable in society they're not great, they're mediocre!

The policy of austerity is being drummed down our throats and there are even some people that believe it is good and eventually we will recover, austerity is not the work of the devil but the way they are using it can be considered to be an act of evil. They are cutting public service like the NHS and education and raising the cost of living to an absurd price and they are even stopping people from moving around by increasing the prices of tickets again! And they are saying they are doing all of this to help us be less dependant on the benefit system!! Yet they continue to give benefits to the rich in the form of tax breaks and BAILOUTS! 

They are trying so desperately to kick the poor out of London, first with the bedroom tax and now by making it almost impossible to commute into London. Why don't they royals have to pay bedroom tax? the Queen has over 60 room, in her London premises, why doesn't she do her bit since " we're all in it together?
The transport authorities claim that this latest increase is going towards the upgrade of the system, that is complete BS! They have been saying the same line for the past 10 years and I have not seen any improvement. They may claim that it's a big job, and they're right, it is a big job but only because they have neglected it for so long! The same goes to the sewage system that hasn't been updated since the Victorian Age!

People in this country suffer from Stockholm syndrome, they have developed a bond with their captor and will do what they can to preserve their current substandard way of life. That is why the holiday season is starting to fill me with so much disgust and hatred toward these people who think they have to go out and almost kill each other to get things that will make it a perfect Christmas. People are so easily manipulated into spending all their money and getting deeper into debt, for what? One day that you'll probably forget and won'd even enjoy because you'll be so drunk and will spend the night with your head down the toilet!! The thing that should get taxed ( besides the corporations and the wealthy) is alcohol, they put a huge strain on the health services and they even have to bring special police out for the Christmas parties. Immigrants are not straining the system, local people are, people who believe that in order to have a good time you have to be off you face. But the Government wont, because they wont you to be off your face all the time, it makes it easier for them to rob you.

It makes me sad that people believe this is progress and freedom when they are enslaved and don't even know it.