In the age of continual austerity and cost cutting, one would assume that getting the latest iphone or getting a bigger, smarter (??) TV would be low on your list of priorities, but what is so sad and disturbing is that it's not.
When I buy something it is because there is an actual need for it and I always look at the price to see if it's actually worth that much money. People have stopped thinking for themselves and instead get whipped up by all the hysteria, take the iphone for instance, it is way overpriced and there are many alternatives that do the same thing for half the price, so why would a rational person pay over £ 200 for a phone? The answer is rather simple actually... marketing and pr, they have made it into a fashion item and people have developed a cult-ish like behavior towards the brand. Just look at all the hoopla surround the launch of a new iteration of the phone, which may just be slightly thinner or clearer but they think it should have over 50% mark up on the price- give me a break!
A society that wholly defines it self by what it consumes is very hollow and artificial and not very sustainable as we're starting to see! Credit cards and having access to other forms of credit have made it all too easy for people to get short term credit but later on they become overwhelmed by huge piles of debt, If credit cards were renamed to debt cards then maybe people might think twice before spending. The other thing that makes credit cards more appealing to people is the fact that you get to pay later. That's another thing wrong with society, shortsightedness, no one thinks what will happen more than a day ahead, and it's not just consumers, politicians are even worse, all they care about is the elections.
The consequences are far worse for politicians as the mistakes they make effect the whole country and the people are left working off the debt they create.
I'm just hoping that the people wise up to this scam created by the advertising industry that create a need to continue consuming, and ask themselves the question- do I really need this?
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