These toffs have no idea about the struggle of ordinary people, they're all safe and tucked away in their ivory towers, they have no idea that the people are struggling to pay their bills or feed themselves, they are just trying to find ways of exploiting the people for their own benefits and then using their media partners to distract the masses.
We still have some form of a "safety net" ( but that will soon be gone!) but in countries like Greece the people are suffering so bad that some have even gone as far as to end their life because they can't cope with all the cuts. The government likes to trick the public by saying things like " they have to balance the budget", but that is just code for gutting the public sector! If they really wanted to balance the budget why not get the billionaires to pay more taxes or how about not giving the bankers a bonus for screwing up the economy, and where do you think the money for the bailout came from?? It was our taxes, so they will find money to save the banks but not the people.. curious isn't it?! Instead they will arm the police with tazers and water canons to use against the people.
In conclusion, this Anglo- Saxon model of screwing over the people while keeping the top .1% on corporate welfare is not very democratic it's leaning towards corporatism/fascism and they will attack anyone who attempts to help the people. Democracy is about having an active participation by the people, and the people in Greece have had enough with the current austerity policies and have opted for a government that looks out for the needs of the people not the corporation, that's democracy in action. What we have here in the UK is insanity, they will continue to employ the same failed policies, hoping to get different results,
and the reason you can't see it is because the mainstream media do what they can to distract us and to blame each other rather than look at whose really to blame,if you can't see it.. God help us all!
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