Sunday, 8 February 2015

Moronic News Media

It has just become more and more apparent that the news media have no obligation to tell the truth or properly research what they are going to say. The mainstream news media have made it their number 1 priority to simplify complex issue and they try and make sure to add in some hysteria and they do a great deal of fear-mongering, and why would they do this?? It's rather simple but also very disgusting, they do this to try and get high ratings.

For a news organisation their first objective should be to try and keep the public informed about the goings on in the world, but that seems lost on most " news" organisation as they would rather keep people in a constant state of hysteria, which is highly irresponsible. They also try their best to make the news as simple as possible by labeling certain people as evil and others as good, the world just isn't that simple and it is highly irresponsible for them to do so.

More and more news channels have started to use more segments which includes fake debates on serious issues. I refer to it as fake because not only is it lopsided but often the individuals involved are just on the show to promote their own agenda, and instead of identify this and having a real debate they are just allowed to speak their nonsense unchallenged.

Many of the people who work in mainstream news media don't even sound like proper journalist, they look more like " talking head" or robots reading a simple script like Fareed Zakaria on CNN. This is dangerous to have in the mainstream media because it is mainstream, that means that a huge audience will see your propaganda and believe it to be the truth. Has everyone already forgotten about the Iraq war in 2003 and how all the networks were beating the war drums, and just try and remember how may people lost their lives and are continuing to live in a hellish environment.

How can we call ourselves evolved if we keep blindly keep repeating past mistakes?

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