Thursday, 26 February 2015

Re- Awakened Racism

The recent event with the Chelsea fan in Paris and the Dutch hooligans destroying Rome and the hostility towards anyone who is brown just goes to show that racism is back.

The truth is that racism never actually went away, it has always been there just in subtle forms like a comment there or a joke there. But the media is mostly focusing on the football incidents, like it's just football fan who are racists, but you see it's not just sport fans it's a societal thing. People are reluctant to thinks it everywhere, but the media and the government is doing its best to foster this atmosphere of anyone who is different.

Racism is something that is taught through generations. TV shows and films do their best to foster these prejudices like anyone who is brown or has a beard is a terrorist! Racism is perhaps the dumbest thing in a society, it is basically about hating someone because they are different, not because of anything they may have done to you. To me, this is such a primitive way to behave, essentially you're just admitting the fact that you're un-evolved.

Is that really the type of society you want to have?

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