Friday, 27 February 2015

You're with us or against us.....

... That is perhaps the most moronic way of thinking, you can't just simplify things to either good or bad the world is not that simple and to encourage your citizens to think in those terms is just irresponsible.

This kind of mentality doesn't allow for any deeper thinking or questioning and God forbid if you dare to criticize.. you'll be greeted with a tsunami of abuse. All that will become is that society will become divided and violent towards those who are different and don't follow the set norms, but to deny what makes us different, isn't that just denying what makes us people?

And people wonder why I have been saying for years now- this is not a democracy inorder fo it to be one relies on a well informed public, obviously governments want us to be focused on more trivial issues when they commit crimes against us!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Re- Awakened Racism

The recent event with the Chelsea fan in Paris and the Dutch hooligans destroying Rome and the hostility towards anyone who is brown just goes to show that racism is back.

The truth is that racism never actually went away, it has always been there just in subtle forms like a comment there or a joke there. But the media is mostly focusing on the football incidents, like it's just football fan who are racists, but you see it's not just sport fans it's a societal thing. People are reluctant to thinks it everywhere, but the media and the government is doing its best to foster this atmosphere of anyone who is different.

Racism is something that is taught through generations. TV shows and films do their best to foster these prejudices like anyone who is brown or has a beard is a terrorist! Racism is perhaps the dumbest thing in a society, it is basically about hating someone because they are different, not because of anything they may have done to you. To me, this is such a primitive way to behave, essentially you're just admitting the fact that you're un-evolved.

Is that really the type of society you want to have?

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Corporate Takeover

This will be our gravest mistake, if you don't want this to happen, say no to the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership- SAY NO TO TTIP!
Just think about it, the people who reside across the pond are rising up against the current barberic practices, so why do we want them?

Worse will happen if we let this happen.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Moronic News Media

It has just become more and more apparent that the news media have no obligation to tell the truth or properly research what they are going to say. The mainstream news media have made it their number 1 priority to simplify complex issue and they try and make sure to add in some hysteria and they do a great deal of fear-mongering, and why would they do this?? It's rather simple but also very disgusting, they do this to try and get high ratings.

For a news organisation their first objective should be to try and keep the public informed about the goings on in the world, but that seems lost on most " news" organisation as they would rather keep people in a constant state of hysteria, which is highly irresponsible. They also try their best to make the news as simple as possible by labeling certain people as evil and others as good, the world just isn't that simple and it is highly irresponsible for them to do so.

More and more news channels have started to use more segments which includes fake debates on serious issues. I refer to it as fake because not only is it lopsided but often the individuals involved are just on the show to promote their own agenda, and instead of identify this and having a real debate they are just allowed to speak their nonsense unchallenged.

Many of the people who work in mainstream news media don't even sound like proper journalist, they look more like " talking head" or robots reading a simple script like Fareed Zakaria on CNN. This is dangerous to have in the mainstream media because it is mainstream, that means that a huge audience will see your propaganda and believe it to be the truth. Has everyone already forgotten about the Iraq war in 2003 and how all the networks were beating the war drums, and just try and remember how may people lost their lives and are continuing to live in a hellish environment.

How can we call ourselves evolved if we keep blindly keep repeating past mistakes?

Thursday, 5 February 2015


Shopped to death

In the age of continual austerity and cost cutting, one would assume that getting the latest iphone or getting a bigger, smarter (??) TV would be low on your list of priorities, but what is so sad and disturbing is that it's not.

When I buy something it is because there is an actual need for it and I always look at the price to see if it's actually worth that much money. People have stopped thinking for themselves and instead get whipped up by all the hysteria, take the iphone for instance, it is way overpriced and there are many alternatives that do the same thing for half the price, so why would a rational person pay over £ 200 for a phone? The answer is rather simple actually... marketing and pr, they have made it into a fashion item and people have developed a cult-ish like behavior towards the brand. Just look at all the hoopla surround the launch of a new iteration of the phone, which may just be slightly thinner or clearer but they think it should have over 50% mark up on the price- give me a break!

A society that wholly defines it self by what it consumes is very hollow and artificial and not very sustainable as we're starting to see! Credit cards and having access to other forms of credit have made it all too easy for people to get short term credit but later on they become overwhelmed by huge piles of debt, If credit cards were renamed to debt cards then maybe people might think twice before spending. The other thing that makes credit cards more appealing to people is the fact that you get to pay later. That's another thing wrong with society, shortsightedness, no one thinks what will happen more than a day ahead, and it's not just consumers, politicians are even worse, all they care about is the elections.

The consequences are far worse for politicians as the mistakes they make effect the whole country and the people are left working off the debt they create.

I'm just hoping that the people wise up to this scam created by the advertising industry that create a need to continue consuming, and ask themselves the question- do I really need this?

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Austerity no more..

George Osborne is doing his bit to whip up panic and hysteria by claiming that Greek's new leftist party " could crash the world economy". What a dick!! I don't like to use foul language, but when it comes to things relating to the UK government, it just comes out. Everyone in this government is a big fan of austerity and screwing the people while the banksters continue to make millions for producing squat! So of course, anyone who is thinking about the welfare of the ordinary people is a huge threat.

These toffs have no idea about the struggle of ordinary people, they're all safe and tucked away in their ivory towers, they have no idea that the people are struggling to pay their bills or feed themselves, they are just trying to find ways of exploiting the people for their own benefits and then using their media partners to distract the masses.

We still have some form of a "safety net" ( but that will soon be gone!) but in countries like Greece the people are suffering so bad that some have even gone as far as to end their life because they can't cope with all the cuts. The government likes to trick the public by saying things like " they have to balance the budget", but that is just code for gutting the public sector! If they really wanted to balance the budget why not get the billionaires to pay more taxes or how about not giving the bankers a bonus for screwing up the economy, and where do you think the money for the bailout came from?? It was our taxes, so they will find money to save the banks but not the people.. curious isn't it?! Instead they will arm the police with tazers and water canons to use against the people.

In conclusion, this Anglo- Saxon model of screwing over the people while keeping the top .1% on corporate welfare is not very democratic it's leaning towards corporatism/fascism and they will attack anyone who attempts to help the people. Democracy is about having an active participation by the people, and the people in Greece have had enough with the current austerity policies and have opted for a government that looks out for the needs of the people not the corporation, that's democracy in action. What we have here in the UK is insanity, they will continue to employ the same failed policies, hoping to get different results,

and  the reason you can't see it is because the mainstream media do what they can to distract us and to blame each other rather than look at whose really to blame,if you can't see it.. God help us all!