Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Media Mania!

After the horrific violence that occurred in Paris today, I fear it will just get worse for anyone of a brown complexion who refrains from alcohol.There was already a lot of hate brewing for the Muslim community with all the anti Islam rhetoric in the media and the latest marches in Germany, anyone that shows any sympathy for Muslims will be greeted with a huge amount of hostility.

This hostility is exacerbated by the way the media decides to report it. All day there has been wall to wall coverage of the event, in case you forgot. They have already linked the shooters with Algeria- a predominately Muslim country, so already they frame the issue as Muslim = violence. They don't even consider for a moment that these shooter are simply " nut cases", because why would a sane person target a satirical magazine, I enjoy them and I believe there should actually be more in the UK, we certainly have enough newsworthy material for them!

A prime example of the news media getting ahead of themselves is the shoot out in Australia last year, for God's sake, they tried to link it to ISIS! When it was an unstable individual, the same kind of reporting was evident when a man attacked the Canadian embassy, this kind of reporting is irresponsible and reporting should consist of facts not mass hysteria, and when you have a largely  uneducated population that is susceptible to this nonsense and don't have the ability to think about things critically, you'll get massive unrest and violence against people who have nothing to do with it, they just share the same religious beliefs.

When the media and politicians drum up fear like this, people have a tendency to forget about everything else and they will just focus all their rage on that particular group forgetting the fact that almost every religion has extremist, but the media will conveniently forget about those because it's all the rage to hate Muslims.    

This increasing amount of propaganda is scary and remind me of Nazi Germany, people think that fascism is ancient history but it's not and I can see signs of it returning and it'll probably be in full swing in 2015.

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