Sunday, 11 January 2015

Free to say what THEY want?

The Western world is all to quick to claim they are the masters of free speech, but what free speech? They continually do whatever they can to censor free speech. The Conservative Government are on the way to put even more restriction on employees from the public sector who strike. How is that freedom, we are free to work as slaves for peanuts and if we ever complain we will get fired or be forced to work in an increasingly hellish environment.

The Unions are the most regulated organisation, and all they do is try and make sure the people get what they deserve. I ask you, is it unreasonable for  people to want a fair wage or a decent working environment where they won't endure hour of " bullying" and "intimidation", which is what it is like in most work places?

They feel the need to tie the hands of the people trying to help the ordinary worker while they are working to lesson the restriction on those who continuously screw us over- the banksters! That should tell you what the Government really cares about, it's not what the people are saying, but instead it's what the bank and other big corporations are saying.

It sickens me when I hear how they are the defenders of free speech and democracy, yes it was horrific what happened in Paris, but is it really an attack on free speech or was it simply an attack on this magazine that thought it would be amusing to point fun at an already marginalized group of people? People get whipped up by all this emotional rhetoric and they forget to think about anything else.

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