Sunday, 25 January 2015

Douche bag convention

Davos, Switzerland is hosting the .1%, so all the banksters got together to talk about the growing inequality and climate change and this is after they all arrived in their private jets! I really don't think they understand that they are the douche bags that are causing this inequality and climate change. But what makes me sicker than their complete lack of understanding how the real world work, it is the mainstream media and their eagerness to kiss their ass!!!

No " news" organisation will dare ask a question that might criticize them or put them in a difficulty, does anyone even stop to question as how they continue getting obscenely rich while the rest of us are struggling to pay off our student loans??- They stole it from the people, and they have continued to plunder by calling it AUSTERITY. Austerity is basically a wealth relocation program, they take money from things like healthcare, education, welfare and public infrastructure and give it to the city of London ( corruption) and to big corporations. These are the people who think we are just lazy bums for getting £70 a week on jobseekers allowance while they continue to get billions in government subsidies and other forms of benefits!

But the mainstream media has had their hand in diverting the blame away from the real culprits and onto us, you see, they have made it so that we are too busy blaming each other while they steal our life savings and destroy our future and the future of out kids by propping up industries that are destroying the planet.

Why do people continue to ignore the real threat to national security?

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