Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Dermocracy Day.. Really?

Often people throw around the word democracy without knowing what it really means. In all the definition of this word I very often come across the word " participation", and they don't mean the kind of participation we have here which is by huge corporations, they mean the participation by ordinary people in the policies that are pushed through that effect our everyday lives and having politicians that actually represent their constituents and if not having the ability to change that government through fair and open elections.

I don't know about the rest of you but I don't feel that the people in power even know about the people, and there's not nearly enough participation by the people because the government actively try to silence our voices by putting extremely restrictive rules on our right to protest and essentially labeling any dissenters as extremist or traitors.

But before the people can get their voices heard, they need to have access to information, and it is extremely difficult when the people trying to get information out to the people are forced to run and live in exile or they are simply jailed for telling the people that their elected government is working against them and spying on minorities, just recently the UK has started to push for more power in their already vast spying network all under the pretense of keeping us safe and avoiding what happened in Paris from coming here.

Because real investigative journalist are being hunted down, all people are left with are the corporate mouthpieces of; CNN, BBC CNBC and Fox News to name but a few, and when you have then constantly saying " be afraid we might be next", people will tend to believe them especially when a large proportion of the public is uneducated and living in poverty because the Elites have made going into higher education an impossible task and having a comfortable life even harder!- it then becomes very easy to get swept up in all the hysteria created by the media and place the blame on the wrong people.

This and many other reasons ( far too many to list here) is why I know that this is nowhere near a democracy. How can it be when the people mean so little and Corporate interest and the survival of the banksters are placed more highly than the survival of the people? When so many people have so few and they are criminalized for being poor and the government is activley seeking ways to reduce the meager benefits they do get and give it to the .1% though austerity which we all know is simply robbery.  Most of the major corporations ( that make millions!)are given welfare such as tax breaks and subsidies but the average Joe is painted as a " moocher" if they need some cash to feed themselves- tell me, how is this fair??

A sustainable democracy should have an active participation by the people and have an essence of fairness and equality about it- how is this even close?

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