Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Now more than ever people are  grateful to free healthcare just imagine if you had to pay... oh wait you don't have to imagine just look across the pond where almost 70,000 people have died!! And a large proportion are because people couldn't afford the healthcare costs. In the supposed civilised part of the world how can that be?? And the simple answer is that they allowed private businesses to come in and run riot. Don't forget the primary objective for a business is to make profit.... not to save lives.

Over there you have provide proof that you can pay or on the street you go, and even if you can pay you have to jump through so many hoops and God forbid if you have a pre existing condition than the insurance premiums will go though the roof and will probably leave you bankrupt or doing " tricks" in order to pay the bill.

People in this country are so distracted that they don't realise that large parts of the NHS have been privatised, they just call it something else like " trusts". The head of NHS England is a man named Simon stevens who spent a decade working for UnitedHealth which is an American "health service". This doesn't fill me with confidence, as there are already whispers that NHS doctors are being advised who the most costly patients are!! This whole idea about attaching a monetary figure to a persons' life is infuriating and not enough people know and that is because this Government is all about keeping the public  in the dark while they destroy everything we hold dear.

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