Tuesday, 12 May 2020

English arrogance

Normally being arrogant would be a minor irritant but in this instance it has cost thousands of lives. It all starts from the top, the PM's casual attitude to the vitus even while seeing the tragedy unfolding in Italy was unbelievable, it's as if he believed it couldn't happen here. And when it did happen here he was still so nonchalant, his advice to the public was simply wash your hands while singing happy birthday twice, he even bragged about shaking hands with coronavirus patients an lo an behold he contracted the disease.

He stubbornly refused to do a lockdown till it was too late, the buffoon didn't understand that he let the virus run amok for weeks so of course the lockdown will not have lead to major results!! Even when the WHO was warning countries to test, test,test he did nothing because he believed he knew better. Also the odiot did nothing to control the virus from coming in from elsewhere, he let people stream here from countries that have been ravaged from the virus unchecked, he has only now said that travellers must quarantine for 14 days- he's about three months late!

And he has never once mentioned Greece, Portugal, Slovakia or New Zealand because he knows how much of a success these countries are and let's not forget that many of these countries had been ravaged by austerity but they still managed to do right by the public and why?? because they had the goodsense to lock things down quickly and boris doesn't want to believe he could be wrong even when it is staring him in the face.

This man is a murderer and his incompetence has lead to the deaths of  thousands of people all because he refused to acknowledge that he didn't know everything and needed help, lets ni forget he even refused to join up to the EU ventilator and PPE procurement schemes.... how did that work out for yu you bumbling idiot!!??

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