Well it all starts from the top, just take a good hard look at the PMs handling of the virus, too slow and mixed messages and no actual enforcement. First he just wanted the population to " take it on the chin", like you can do that with a pandemic?!!! The he was going on and " herd immunity" which again you can't do with sacrificing half of the population, he was too slow in shutting down huge gatherings- for God's sake he let the Cheltenham festival go ahead where huge amounts of people were in close contact. This Buffoon has killed over 30,000 people and he is talking about easing the lockdown!!! He has only recently told travellers that they must go into a 14 day quarantine, he is about 3 months late!!! And why??? Because Heathrow is a huge lobby and out Government is spineless and will always bow to corporate pressure over saving lives. That's the same reason why they want to rush the Premier League back... because it is a huge money maker, I mean are we so desperate to see football??
This government has failed in every respect, from the debacle of the PPE that arrived late and wasn't fir for purpose to the lockdown which doesn't even look like a lock down, just look at Spain compared to ours:
And further more confusion on the new message
His flaundering will cost thousand of more lives. He expects the public to be sensible when he goes around shaking the hands of Cora Virus patients.. I mean really?? Recently I heard reports of Anti Lockdown protests, ou know where else in the world this was going on?? The US, not exactly something you want to copy they have upwards of 70,000 deaths!
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