Friday, 14 August 2020

Not again!

 After being one of the bright sparks in an otherwise ordinary Juventus talks of him being sold are popping up everywhere.  Paulo was just given the MVP award, now why would you sell your most valuable player?? The Juve hierarchy have made one mistake after another the first was hiring Sarri who with all do respect didn't have a great season despite winning the league ( with the lowest points total in 5 years) also spending all that money on Ronaldo. I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for saying this but he is old, one injury and his season is over. Juve spent everything on CR7 and neglected all the other areas that needed help like the midfield.

Also everyone seems to have forgotten that the got to two finals without him in 2015 ( when Dybala first came) and 2017, and now they cant get past the round of 16.

When you watched a game with Ronnie in it, it seemed liked the strategy was just to get the ball to him and when Dybala played it was a more rounded team despite having some gaults. La Joya brought the team together where Ronaldo made it about him and least I forget.. Dybala is only 26!!! I implore the powers that be to rethink their " strategy" and not to sell the Argentine than maybe we'll overlook the fact that you just hired Andrea Pirlo to replace Sarri- a man with 0 coaching experience! I can see why Morratti left for Inter!

The fact that there are reports that Dybala has expressed interest in the English league fills me with all kinds of dread. This tells me one thing.. he is sick of being so unappreciated, but La Joya the fans still love you!!! Don't leave us.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Look Familiar???

Steps of a closing society
Step 1: Invoke an external and internal threat

Step 2: Secret prison where torture can take place

Step 3: Develop a paramilitary force

Step 4: Surveil ordinary citizens

Step 5: Infiltrate citizens groups

Step 6: Detain and release ordinary citizens

Step 8: Restrict the press

Step 9: Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason

Step 10 Subvert the rule of law.

It's more obvious now, they are already starting to close down dissent by calling protesters "terrorist" and banning any form of mwdia that chooses to do their job!

This is Tory policy

Monday, 8 June 2020


I don't know how anyone else feels but I wish Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand was my Prime Minister. She has shown that she is decisive, intelligent and above all compassionate. She didn't put the economy above the lives of her citizens like certain leaders and she understood that if she did the hard part now, which is a complete lockdown she would not only save lives but she would slowly be able to open up the economy.

New Zealand may not be considered a " big player" but they have achieved something no other country has, they have almost eliminated the disease and it didn't require the sacrifice of thousands of lives unlike the floundering buffoon in No. 10 that thinks that over 40,000 people dead is a success!!

This is not the first time the New Zealand PM has shown great compassion, after the shootings in Christ church she visited the mourners and consoled them, unlike our PM that couldn't be bothered to visit the people devastated by the floods earlier this year.

Ms Ardern I wish you all the luck in the world but could you help us in the UK we desperatly need a leader not a puppet!

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Think again!


.. Stay home

I find it baffling how the Government is telling us not to protest because it might spread the virus ut they're okay with us being on packed trains and other forms of public transport to get back to work. They're okay with sacrifising us to make them money but when it comes to questioning them and demanding change all of a sudden it's too dangerous.

This is not a democracy, don't be so distracted by this pandemic that you become unaware that you are living in a closing society where they are slowly selling of your right to get rich, BoJo is alreading making u- turns on food standards and making it so we ave chicken that has been washed in chlorine but he going to make so food doesn'e have to be labled as GMO. I don't know aboutyou guys but American people are not exactly the healthiest! But it is not only food, soon they will make it illegal to protest!! Without accountability this Government can get away with murder!!

Don't let it happen, stay alert! 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Britain preps for the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic! �� - Charlie Brooker...

Take care

People should try to wrap their heads around one truth..... if it was just like the flu why is so is there so much precaution and so many deaths??? And another vital thing people seem to forget, we have a vaccine for most flus.

Great Britain....Really??

Following the science.....


How can the Government continue to spout this lie when the scientist have warned against easing the lockdown??!! They have pointed out that the infection rate is still too high. Another thing the government keep putting out there is that people should use " common sense", the reason is to shift blame and for them to take no responsibility for the coming catastrophe. I hope the public will see through this ploy.  I have to wonder one thing was Domiic Cummins using common sense when he drove while also having symptoms to Durham? Also it may just be me but I thought it was against the law to drive when you have impaired vision, I wasn't aware that driving was a method commonly used to test your eyesight?!!! The mere fact that Boris has come out and defended this gollum like creature should tell you a lot about his priorities.... it's not us!

The people are also not made fully aware of the severity of the virus, and that is because at the beginning of this crisis they kept comparing it to the flu- it is not like the flu!! The infection rate is much higher and the fact that over 38,000 people have died in a few months should give you some sort of indication about the seriousness of this virus. A major thing that people don't take into account is that even if you do survive you will most likely be left with some sort of disability and a huge amount of trauma. You can be dealing with neurological trauma and organ failure. There have been cases of people suffering from blood clots that mean that limbs have been amputated.

The public have not been told the truth about the situation if they were they would not be flocking to the beach when a bit of sun comes out.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Toff Tramps

What they really think of us!! Don't  be fooled by the sweats they wear or the way they talk, the tories are not one of us these people went to Eton .... they are the elite that they are supposedly against!

Friday, 29 May 2020

Too soon??

Is it just me or does anyone else feel we are opening up too soon?
It was my understanding that they had to have a steady decline in deaths before they even considered opening up, and we've had one say when it fell to 77 then shot back up to over 500... hardly a steady decline!! Other countries like Germany and Italy have seen  a weeks where the death toll was less than 200, now that's a steady decline!

The Government's' own scientific advisor have even said that the infection rate is still too high to even start thinking of opening up. But of course the spineless cowards in charge don't care how many people suffer as long as they can get the economy running and beat the "pesky" Europeans.

I understand why people want this especially people with small children and people on a low income... But if we open up too soon we risk another spike and an even longer lockdown. This all wouldn't be necessary in the floundering idiot got it right the first time, if he had just listened to the World Health Organisation and started testing, tracing and isolating cases as soon as the case in Italy started to increase, but he just waited and told us some of us will lose loved ones when he should have been doing his job as Prime Minister. This is a man that will defend Cummings but not one of his chief scientist ( someone of real worth).

 Basically he has chosen to save himself instead of the people he was elected to govern. People need to wake up and realize this government doesn't care if we live or die.. currently 37,919 UNNECESSARY deaths and it will only get worse and with this buffoon incharge, God knows how long it will last?!! He has decided to appease the public by easing lockdown before it is actually safe in turn providing a distraction from the issue of Dominic Cummings and his total disregard and disdain for the public's safety.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Sorry we're closed..

People need to wake up to the fact that society is closing and all these freedoms they believe they have are a mere illusion. This crisis has shown us all the cracks in society, I mean the mere fact that we can't criticize the Government without facing some sort of repercussion is a major red flag.

Downing street have already tried to ban certain news networks from asking questions and the likes of Emily Matlis from Newsnight has been replaced and so has Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, and why??? For simply doing their jobs as reporters and holding the Government to account.  In a democracy having a well informed and educated population is vital to its survival, but then I forget, this is not a democracy. If there is not investigation into what the Government is doing then how does the average person find out what's really going on?? Do we rely on the politicians to tell us??!! That is absurd!! Does anyone believe that they would tell us what they're really thinking??

The thing that really makes me laugh is that these same reporters were promoting the tories for a long time before they had enough of their BS. The Government wants all the praise but none of the negative stuff. ummmm who does that remind me off?? O Yeah, the orange wotsit across the pond!! And need I remind you they have over 100,000 deaths!!

For God's sake our PM believes that having over 30,000 deaths is a success and we should all return to work!! That should give you all an indication about his priorities... IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!

We cannot rely on the conservative Government to do the right thing for everyone, They've already shown that it's one rule for us and they're free to do whatever the fuck they want... Dominic Cummings is just the latest to be in the limelight.

If  they go unchallenged they will be free to spout Propaganda!!

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Mixed messages

You can't blame the public when you send out a message like this and you can't blame the public when they don't trust you when you say things like this:

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Never forget..

... But I know people will and it makes me sad for the future. 34,000 people dead and still you get the majority of people who still believe this virus is just like the flu! And this nonchalant behaviour starts with the buffoon at the top. Never forget that it is his fault that oner 34.000 people have lost there lives and don't forget that this was mostly preventable.Successive Governments are to blame for chronically underfunding the NHS but it is this Government's fault we are in this mess.

Boris was given warning after warning about this pandemic and did nothing, when he couldn't deny the threat was real he kept claiming that we were the best prepare country...Really, you call the death of over 34.000 citizens proof that you were prepared?? But that's just it, we're not citizens but subjects and he is part of the aristocracy. If we were so prepared nurses and doctor wouldn't be dying because of lack of PPE and life saving equipment like ventilators.

When I see that fatty in NO 10 clap for the carers on thursdays it makes me so mad because of the sheer hypocrisy.   If he loved our NHS so much than why did the Tories vote down a bill to give them a much deserved pay raise so nurses don't have to go to food banks to get food also why did he spend most of his time the past few years talking about how immigrants are a burden to the NHS when it was 2 foreigners who saved his life. If he care so much than why is Priti Patel making sure that foreign staff pay more fees?? And I give you the answer- he doesn't, it's all just talk and as soon as this is over it's back to business..hollowing out the NHS and becoming more like the US, because the system over there is one we  really want to copy??? Over 80,000 people dead and why.. put simply they value profit over lives.

This is how the Tories really feel about us:
Never forget this is how they feel:

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Don't be a fool!!

 I continue to be baffled  by how much support boris johnson has even after his disastrous handling of this pandemic there are still people out there  that sympathise with him and his apparent workload. This is his frikkin job and if he couldn't handle it he should have stepped aside!! You know who are sympathise with?? All the healthcare workers who are working night and day trying to keep us alive and having to watch co workers and hundreds of patients die everyday!

This man deserves all the criticism he gets, he lied in order to get the job and now he is lying while in the job, he is a 100% fraud he is the slimey car salesman, don't be fooled into thinking he is just like you. This man is Eton educated he is part of the toff hierarchy, people say he is the UK's version of Donald Trump, I say no, he is much more dangerous. He has spent his life in the political arena and don't forget he was London Mayor- an elite/ liberal city apparantly. This man know how to adapt to the situation, that doesn't mean he not willing to drop you if things start to look bad- just ask David Cameron!

He has lied about everything so far and a part of me is questioning whether he had the virus or was it just a PR stun? But the biggest lie is that they are just following the science. which scientist themselves have claimed that he's not, bo jo is putting out this narrative so that he can hang all his failures on them and if his strategy is to follow the science why is it that the public aren't allowed to see it and why are we seeing these floundering politicians at the daily briefings instead of scientist who are experts in the field. I know the nowaday "experts" is a dirty word but in situations like this we need facts and clarity not lies and political spin.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

English arrogance

Normally being arrogant would be a minor irritant but in this instance it has cost thousands of lives. It all starts from the top, the PM's casual attitude to the vitus even while seeing the tragedy unfolding in Italy was unbelievable, it's as if he believed it couldn't happen here. And when it did happen here he was still so nonchalant, his advice to the public was simply wash your hands while singing happy birthday twice, he even bragged about shaking hands with coronavirus patients an lo an behold he contracted the disease.

He stubbornly refused to do a lockdown till it was too late, the buffoon didn't understand that he let the virus run amok for weeks so of course the lockdown will not have lead to major results!! Even when the WHO was warning countries to test, test,test he did nothing because he believed he knew better. Also the odiot did nothing to control the virus from coming in from elsewhere, he let people stream here from countries that have been ravaged from the virus unchecked, he has only now said that travellers must quarantine for 14 days- he's about three months late!

And he has never once mentioned Greece, Portugal, Slovakia or New Zealand because he knows how much of a success these countries are and let's not forget that many of these countries had been ravaged by austerity but they still managed to do right by the public and why?? because they had the goodsense to lock things down quickly and boris doesn't want to believe he could be wrong even when it is staring him in the face.

This man is a murderer and his incompetence has lead to the deaths of  thousands of people all because he refused to acknowledge that he didn't know everything and needed help, lets ni forget he even refused to join up to the EU ventilator and PPE procurement schemes.... how did that work out for yu you bumbling idiot!!??

Sunday, 10 May 2020

What The F**k?!

The new slogan has drawn some much deserved criticism, basically it's moronic.

This is a microscopic virus you can't see it so how are we going to " stay alert"? This would be more honest and clear:

And this one clearly outlines the governments strategy
The people need the govenment to act not stupid slogans!

Idiot nation

Well it all starts from the top, just take a good hard look at the PMs handling of the virus, too slow and mixed messages and no actual enforcement. First he just wanted the population to " take it on the chin", like you can do that with a pandemic?!!! The he was going on and " herd immunity" which again you can't do with sacrificing  half of the population, he was too slow in shutting down huge gatherings- for God's sake he let the Cheltenham  festival go ahead where huge amounts of people were in close contact. This Buffoon has killed over 30,000 people and he is talking about easing the lockdown!!! He has only recently told travellers that they must go into a 14 day quarantine, he is about 3 months late!!! And why??? Because Heathrow is a huge lobby and out Government is spineless and will always bow to corporate pressure over saving lives. That's the same reason why they want to rush the Premier League back... because it is a huge money maker, I mean are we so desperate to see football??

This government has failed in every respect, from the debacle of the PPE that arrived late and wasn't fir for purpose to the lockdown which doesn't even look like a lock down, just look at Spain compared to ours:

And further more confusion on the new message

His flaundering will cost thousand of more lives. He expects the public to be sensible when he goes around shaking the hands of Cora Virus patients.. I mean really?? Recently I heard reports of Anti Lockdown protests, ou know where else in the world this was going on?? The US, not exactly something you want to copy they have upwards of 70,000 deaths!

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

A lovefest....

.................. That disgusts me and should worry a lot of people!


Now more than ever people are  grateful to free healthcare just imagine if you had to pay... oh wait you don't have to imagine just look across the pond where almost 70,000 people have died!! And a large proportion are because people couldn't afford the healthcare costs. In the supposed civilised part of the world how can that be?? And the simple answer is that they allowed private businesses to come in and run riot. Don't forget the primary objective for a business is to make profit.... not to save lives.

Over there you have provide proof that you can pay or on the street you go, and even if you can pay you have to jump through so many hoops and God forbid if you have a pre existing condition than the insurance premiums will go though the roof and will probably leave you bankrupt or doing " tricks" in order to pay the bill.

People in this country are so distracted that they don't realise that large parts of the NHS have been privatised, they just call it something else like " trusts". The head of NHS England is a man named Simon stevens who spent a decade working for UnitedHealth which is an American "health service". This doesn't fill me with confidence, as there are already whispers that NHS doctors are being advised who the most costly patients are!! This whole idea about attaching a monetary figure to a persons' life is infuriating and not enough people know and that is because this Government is all about keeping the public  in the dark while they destroy everything we hold dear.

U.S.A Hands off our NHS

Monday, 4 May 2020

The cult of BoJo

It continues to baffle me that Mr Johnson has a high approval rating especially after his botch approach to the Corona Virus which has resulted in over 28.000 deaths-to this date. Have people simple forgot about how he was prepared to sacrifice us all?? Well... here's a gentle reminder:
The only reason why he changed his strategy is because a report was leaked that millions of people would die and it is my belief that if this report wasn't leaked we would not know and that we would've been sacrificed.

How can this man be so easily forgiven?? His arrogance is one of the reasons we are in this mess, he was so arrogant that he didn't heed the warning of Italy, it was as if he believed that because we're no longer in Europe it wont affect us, I hate to be the one to tell you but viruses don't care about borders.
His arrogance paid him very dearly when he got the virus? Well he got it because f sheer stupidity, he went into a hospital and was shaking hands with people who had a highly CONTAGIOUS and deadly virus. I find his sudden love for the NHS infuriating.. why?? Because it is fake and it is his parties fault why they have to wear bin liner instead of proper protection and because of his party's long history of under funding the NHS, they are dying! Mr Prime Minister you claim that you own the NHS your life, how about just providing them with the proper equipment.

But there are some people out there who believe we shouldn't criticize the Government but we should no only criticise them but also hold then to account for all the UNNECESSARY deaths.

This country is more like the US than I would like to believe, instead of looking at the polices and the facts we look for some one with a good/ entertaining personality... and just look across the pond, 68,000 deaths and rising. Do we really want that?

Something was terribly wrong.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

No democracy here...

Democracy is when the public is well informed and educated when it comes to the policy and policy makers that govern them. Does that look like what we got here?? The Government are actively lying to the public and they are trying their best to silence anyone who speaks out or has the nerve to question them.The Panorama report exposed the for the fraudsters that they are, they are woefully unprepared and incompetent to boot!

The buffoons in charge lye about everything, they lied about having the right amount of PPE to the severity of this disease, do you know what they classed as PPE?? HAND GEL. They also billed each medical glove individually so that it looked more on the books, umm.. to my knowledge nurses and doctors have TWO HANDS.

Johnson also has the temerity to call this a success?? Yeah over 27,000 avoidable deaths is considered a success to these people. According to an article in the Guardian BoJo was warned in mid January, but he was invested in getting brexit done than protecting the people, he even missed 5 Cobra meetings, so all this bullshi about listening to the science  is a fairy tale- he flat out ignored it, he is just putting the storyline out there so when shit inevitably hits the fan he'll have some to blame.

Don't fall for it and make sure to hold the right people accountable. How is this a democracy, we have a monarchy you know who else has a monarchy?? Saudi Arabia.

for this avoidable shit storm!

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Ignorance is not bliss

Being able to access information is vital for the health of a society but more over being able to trust that information is just as important and when that trust is lost a civil society starts to look like some entirely different.

From the start of this pandemic this Government has done nothing but lie and it has cost over 26.000 lives! Just think about that... In the United Kingdom 26.000 people have lost there lives because the Government  refused to heed warnings from the World Health Organisation and could see the tragedy unfolding in Italy yet they did nothing.... and why?? Because they didn't want to hurt the economy, well done Boris! You've not only managed to hurt the economy but you have also killed over 26,000 people, all because he wouldn't listen to his own science advisiors, for God's sake this buffoon missed 5 Cobra meetings.

The blond buffoon continued to downplay the severity of this disease insisting that all we needed to do was wash our hands and make sure to sing happy birthday! He also boasted about how he gave patients with the Corona Virus a hand shake!!! And he then got the virus what a surprise ( not really!!) What's really surprising and rather disturbing is that his approval ratings have actual gone uo!! And for what.. being a complete idiot!

Also the 10 year austerity policy promoted by the Conservative party is why our NHS service is so overwhelmed, they don't even  have the right protection, this government didn't stock up on the right PPE entire warehouse were left empty because the Tories don't value the NHS. They also had a chance to join the EU's procurement scheme which would have helped the public but they didn't think about all going alone because that's what the Brexiteers want. They put their moronic ideology before the county's needs.

 But the fact that the man in charge didn't think it was a threat meant that large amounts of people believed it wasn't a serious threat. And how well has that worked for everyone? We have now been trapped in our house because Jonhson allowed it to get out of control.

Also we have recently fond out that the death numbers are a lot higher  then previously though, the government did some " creative accounting" so the death toll didn't look as bad- what does that tell you??? they are more interested in APPEARING to do the right thing than actually doing it.

The Government should be held accountable for what they have done, but that doesn't seem to be the case especially now that they are actually stopping reporters from asking the hard questions

People I urge you to wake up and realise that if you are below a certain paygrade- The Conservative government doesn't care about you.