Sunday, 29 November 2015

The real threat to national security..

... So why is it being ignored and replaced by the unfounded and irrational fear of refugees?
Why is making a profit a higher priority that protecting our home?

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Learn to recognise...

... The tools Governments and the media use to instill hate and mistrust that will leave a society of civilized people divided.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Twenty First Century SLAVERY

Guilty by association

He is best friends with the Governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia And China. Maybe that's why everyone hates you and in association all pf us, who do you think is more vulnerable to violence.... us!! And does he care?? Well if he did he would change his strategy and not willingly put us in harms way.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Where are your priorities?

Do you really want US standards and healthcare to arrive here?? Well, that's exactly what's going to happen if you allow TTIP to arrive. Corporations will have the right and ability to dictate policy and sue Governments. And all a corporation cares about is profits and if having proper health and safety starts to eat away at profit... wave goodbye. Just think about it. Do you really want an exhausted over- worked doctor working on you?? This is one of the many professions that shouldn't worry about job security, why do you think the Pilot at Germanwings did what he did, he was no killer he was just a very sick man, and how did he get that way, it doesn't happen overnight it happens over years of not going to the doctor or not being able to take a day off because you might get fired. That kind of anxiety can make a situation 10x worse. Do we want this??

Arse-holes in crime..

These are the douche bags you should be blaming for you long hospital waits, increased living cost, extortionate tuition fees, lack of sustainable/ secure jobs and the increase in violence- not the refugees seeking safety!! And what's worse is that they are well on their way of silencing anyone who opposes their regime and they are attempting to sell our lives and future to the highest bidder, all so they can retire in their country homes!! These twats have no idea how hard the average person has to work just to live because they have never worked a DAY IN THEIR LIVES, They only pretend to work for the cameras a day or so before the elections.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Goodbye, old friend.

Gone are the days of decency, compassion and co-operation, now is the time of exploitation, greed and individualism, and why???? Because Cameron is obsessed with the yanks and he also wants things to go like they were before.. he wants us to go back to the Olive Twist times. He is cutting everything the people might benefit from so that he  can exploit our desperation.

But the real sad thing about this is that he is making the people he is screwing over into inviting these medieval practices, by using different forms of mainstream media he is making it so that you will be grateful when you become a slave and can barely feed yourself, but hey, at least you'll have a job. Well if the UK keeps heading towards Americanization of everything, that's what the future will hold. Just look at the over-the-top celebration for Halloween, a non holiday, and we have now got Black Friday- we don't even celebrate Thanksgiving!!

This society has just become the 51st state, the powers that be may no admit it, but we're there. I mean all you have to do is stop and listen how people are talking, it's all about me and how much wealth I can accumulate at the expense of everyone else. And the media is doing its fair share in manipulating you into believing that these " fat cats" are worthy of our admiration and that we should aspire to be like them....No thank you! Why would anyone want to be a self absorbed twat?? Umm, maybe a country that puts these fools on a pedestal.

Just look at the mainstream media's reaction to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, first the wanted military at the border, then they SAID they would take in some refugees only after the got shamed into it by the rest on Europe and now they're back to associating them with "floods" and "swarms" instead of the frightened and desperate people that they are. Some media outlets have even gone as far as calling them " sleeper agents"! And last but definitely not least, they try and claim that they will be a drain on the economy and how it means you will lose all your benefits.. forgetting the fact that the Tories have already begun dismantling the welfare state.

People are led to believe, again by the media, that having a welfare system that looks after all of its citizens ( not just the corporations and the banksters) is a bad thing, it;s actually the opposite, by having a functional government body that aims to look after all of its citizens is the signs of a progressive country. The fact that people believe that it's  not a good thing just shows how the right- wing media and politics have succeeded into turning " Great Britain" into a third world country!

By having a free press that does not cow tail to the elites and a Government that aims to enrich not distract it's population and not being spied on at every corner of your life... now that's democracy. Now let's see, we have none of these- what do you think?

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The people don't want this...

.... But when has that ever mattered to Governments.

Racist Britain..Well dah!!

Racism is the most primitive behaviour in human beings, because you dislike a person because of what they look like and/or their faith. It is nothing to do what that person has done to you personally, it is mostly based on images from the media of an extreme minority but you have now applied to everyone of that particular faith.

The people at the top of society have a lot to answer for, they have helped foster this fear and mistrust by the way they discuss things in public, the purposely use words that have negative connotations so that a particular image will then be imprinted on the public psyche.  And that image is of the " Muslim terrorist" and the brown migrants who are going to drain the economy. Where was the outrage when Banksters brought the economy to its knees?

They ( the racists) will always come out and say that it is just about Britishness and how certain communities don't integrate. But what they mean about integration is that they don't abandon all their beliefs and just become drunken members of society. To be perfectly honest, Britishness doesn't exist- what they mean is that you look different and you're not white- is this not racism then?

Diversity is only good for society, how else with a person who has never left there little village know about other cultures? Many of these people will only know about other culture through the media and we all know the mainstream media tends to be bias.

Just take the news that Nadiya won the great British Bakeoff, now she won this by baking the best cakes- what can be more British than this? But the Daily Mail will do it's best to minimize this shift of what it is to be British.

The people most responsible for racist theme in society comes from the top, the politicians set the agenda and they get the right wing media to make sure everyone thinks in a particular way.

In a society where everything is going at such a fast pace, sometimes it will do well to slow down and take a step back. That's the only way you will understand that you are all being manipulated and scared into thinking a particular way.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Where's your humanity?!!!

Cameron should take his junk out of swine and realise... that by bombing Syria he is just going to create more refugees. The ass hole is already trying to stop taking in his fair share of people fleeing these conflicts and what's his solution.. to build a big fence and to waste money on sending the military! Where's your humanity??? And the really sad things is that the British people are also turning against refugees instead of greeting them with open arms like the Germans. The media having even gone as far as claiming that there might even be members if ISIS coming with them! I do hope people see through this obvious attempt to scare the public from doing the right thing.

Are the idiots convinced now??!!

More floods, forest fires, droughts and typhoons and some people at the very top still refuse to believe in climate change, Instead they just claim that these are isolated incidents instead of coming to terms with the fact that this is the new normal. How is it that almost every year we are having record breaking rains and droughts and now we have sinkholes appearing in Hertfordshire... And still the political elites refuse to act.. but hey if the banksters need more money, they act super-fast!! Until it hits the people at the top, we're all screwed!

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

This should not be the case...

... But sadly it is. We can change it but first we must admit to ourselves what is happening.

5 more years

That's how long Jeremy Corbyn will have to deal with all the nonsense the Conservative controlled media  will throw at him. And that is also how long the public will listen to all these stories, but will the public be able to recognize that these "stories" are just scaremongering tactic used by a Government that is afraid to lose the power (to screw us over)? What is rather disturbing is that I believe that many of them wont be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction.

The fact is that people in this country have been brainwashed into believing that this is normal...Yes, living in poverty, having no job security and in constant debt, let me tell you, it is not normal and people should no accept it as such. The current Government is doing absolutely nothing to help the people but everything they can to push us deeper into poverty, just this week Osborne is planning to cur free school meal for primary school children!!! How is this allowed to be in a country that is always claiming to be morally superior to everyone else?!! Many children in this so called Great Britain are going to bed hungry and now they want to take away meals they get at school???

The also want to abolish the current Human Rights Act and replace it with something more tailored to suit people like them- the privileged few.

A society elects a Government that will best serve EVERYONE, that has always be my thoughts of it, but if the Government is only serving the Corporations, the banks and each other, may it not be the time for some form of positive change? Jeremy Cobyn is anti- austerity which will harm the banks and anti-war which harms the military- both of these are huge drains on the economy that no one else is pointing out. And Jeremy Corbyn is just doing what a responsible person in a position of power should do- he's pointing it out, and that is why they mainstream media is trying to portray him as a disrupt-er!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Media misrepresentation

The mainstream news media is so often guilty of this and it can lead to disastrous results. But this " fudging" of the facts stars from the top... The politicians. They put forward the agenda for the day and the press are tools to push it onto us, but this was not always the case, you had some journalist that did their own fact checking and asked their own question, they have sadly been pushed out, imprisoned or even killed!

It is so important for a society to have a press with some " scruples" because the public especially an uneducated public can be easily turned into an angry mob and attack the most vulnerable people.

This can be seen by the so- called "Migrant crisis". The word migrant is rather misleading as it implies that they are choosing to come here, it should be called a " Humanitarian crisis" because these people are fleeing from war zones in the hope that they may reach a place where they can have a more humane way of life. The media has framed the issue this way so that it instills fear and suspicion into your mindset instead of compassion.

For the moment many of the newspapers and mainstream news are showing the desperation and the hardships that these people are going through, but just listen to some of the wording used like " flood" and " swarm", they do what they can to try and dehumanise the issue. Just try to think back ( I know it's hard) the first thing the PM wanted to do was to build a fence and send more military to stop then coming to Britain and remind the public of how much it is costing you! But people don't realise is, that even when they do make it, it's not as if they're being put in 5* hotels, they are put into camps that look more and more like prisons.

And even know, despite the huge public outcry, he is just going to take 15k when a small country like Lebanon has taken 1 million. And the real reason why he is taking more refugees is because Germany has welcomed them with open arms. But the media is still beating the drum and saying how this is not showing kindness going to run out?

The media has a point about one thing, until we solve the real problem, this is just a tempory band- aid... And what do you think is the real problem?????

Monday, 17 August 2015

This is....

..... What you're working towards, and it's closer than you think!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

A Democracy....

..... Really?! Than why does what the people want mean so little?
Than why does this Government ignore them when they say no. The people have said no to " fracking" and yet they are continuing with it, makes you think, whose inrest are they really working for..Ummmm

Common sense,, A thing of the PAST

Tony  Blair has come out to warn people against siding with Corbyn, this coming from a man who led us into a war under FALSE pretenses and the people are still paying heavily for it,  but he doesn't care, he's got a cozy job with Goldman and Sachs ( one of the banks that screwed us over and got away with it and have found creative way to continue screwing us!)  Why does anyone give thus man a platform to voice his lies as certainties- all we know for certain is that he is a war criminal.

What makes me laugh and feel a little sad is the language he uses. He has done the classic thing where he tries to discredit Corbyn by saying how he has no clear plan and that they were " laughable" and making clear link to Micheal Foot who lost in 1983. It is clear that everyone is doing their utmost to convince you what a mistake it would be to vote for Corbyn, because I forgot how successful this current Government is doing with their current policies of cutting everything that could help the people and giving it to the corporations.

Don't listen to this rhetoric of fear and impending doom, make up your own mind and really think about who is afraid and who is feeling doomed, because it's not the people if Corbyn gets his way!!
This media attack is similar to the one against Bernie Sanders in the US!

But does Corbyn have the courage to put the blame where it belongs... The City of London?

Sunday, 9 August 2015


... And why are all these people not immigrants, instead they are called ex-pats. Britain has the least migrants in all other EU countries, yet they moan the most. The public is being lied to and these lies can have dire consequences. The media has done its part in dehumanizing these people that are coming out of desperation by equating them with natural disasters such as a flood and calling them swarms. Maybe the West should sit down and ponder, why these people are fleeing their homes. The will never admit any accountability but will be the first to point their fingers at someone else.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Voiceless Society

Some people are so infuriating it drives me mad. The mainstream media has been doing a great job at distorted the fact and not asking the real questions,TFL workers are on strike and all the " talking heads" can talk about is how this is hurting the economy. The average Joe is easily whipped up by this media drive frenzy, but they don't understand that this is the only way for employees to voice their concern and have some REAL effect on the working environment, but above all, people go on strike when they are suffering an incredible injustice and they do it at great risk of losing there job, there's nothing fun about it despite what Boris Johnson says.

Yet the focus has been to criminalize them and make them look like troublemakers. And if that doesn't work, they do what they can to turn the public against them by claiming that the striker make enough money, so what have they got to strike about? What they neglect to say to the public is that these "complainers" work incredibly long hours in an unsafe environment under miserable conditions. If working in the underground is so wonderful than why don't one of those tory toffs try doing it?!!

This is the only voice employees have left the Tory Government is doing everything it can to stump it out, once this happens this will give businesses free reign to abuse its workforce. And the first step in achieving this is to turn the people against their own interest, and the sad part is that it's working.

If I'm not mistaken, a Government is supposed to look out for the welfare of the people and not the multi- national corporations? However it does look an awful lot like this Government is doing what it can to take out voices away. Ummmm

Sunday, 2 August 2015

All it takes for evil to succeed..

.... Is for good people to say "it's a business". To often has people's well being come second to that of profit. I don't think people realise how much strain they are putting on their minds with 18 hour workday and getting less than 5 hours of sleep. A workplace doesn't care if you've just had a death in the family or that you're suffering from depression, all they care about is that you're at work by 8am and don't leave until 8pm (most of the time)

People are becoming more and more like mindless zombies, they don't think about whether or not they are getting fair pay for all the work they do, and in most cases they're not! But they believe that if this is the case then they must not be doing the work correctly and that they deserve a pay cut!! They have been manipulated in believing that it's their fault and that it has nothing to do with the CEO and shareholders paying themselves massive bonuses of your work. Think about that the next time you get your paycheck.

We all must remember at the end of the day that we work for a business whose ultimate objective is to make a profit and they don't care about your health and well- being, so it's not worth dying for. And people who do believe it is, are SCHMUCKS.

Not everything should be about profits like healthcare and education, because when it does, then providing care or educating children get pushed down the list of priorities in order to appease the shareholders. Is this the type of world we want to leave to future generations, a world where humanity is valued by the pound?

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Double Douche Bags!

They obviously don't have any notion of what the real world is like outside of their bubble!

War on the poor?

War has always been used as a way to liberate people from a repressive regime with the hopes of having a better life, that's the popular justification, However a secret war has been going on for a long time and the people are unaware of it or they simply don't care because they believe it doesn't concern them.

Currently a war on the poor and less fortunate ( which is most of the country) is well and truly underway. Has everybody forgotten the London 2012 scandal and how the councils were trying to get the " less desirable" people away from where the games were going to be held and re-locate them?? They are still trying to get people out of central London and into " ghettos", so that tourists from other countries and foreign Governments don't actually see the rampant poverty and growing inequality in this so called Great Britain!!

Is this how a compassionate and progressive society meant to behave? And least we forget about the homeless spikes around London designed to discourage " rough sleepers! i.e the homeless. This kind of behaviour sickens me, so instead of trying to understand and help these people who have fallen on rough time, this Government  instead adopts the policy of " out of sigh, out of mind".

And the current austerity policy is just going to accelerate this problem, what do you think will happen when they have completely destroyed the NHS, jobseekers allowance and incapacity benefits, all of which are designed to help prevent people from getting into dire straights, I mean if we can give welfare to all those banksters, why can't we do the same for the people?

The saddest and most disturbing thing to come out of all this, is that many of the people are actually on the side of destroying the welfare system.. and why, because of how the media has decided to frame the issue. The mainstream media has does it best to apply a negative stigma to the people who need the help and have labeled them as "scroungers" and as burdens. The popular media have made the people go against their own interest, because we have to face a simple truth, most of us will need some help sooner or late, because there is no job security left and with the cost of living on the rise every second, people will need help. But no one, not even the Government look at the long term.

One day you might need help from the welfare system and it might not be there, you really can't afford to let it die or you will regret it, and by the time people wake up to this, it may already be too late.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The " Wasted" Society

 Can you really drink all your troubles away, and would you want to? British people have become synonymous with drunk and disorderly behaviour, and that's not even the saddest part, the saddest part that they are actually proud of this label.  They have become brainwashed into believing that this is an optimal standard of behaviour, and mostly because that is what popular media has led them to believe that in order to enjoy yourself you have to be shit face!

And if anyone disagrees with that mindset, they want to bring in Shariah Law or they are anti social and not integrating..I personally have nothing against drinking, God knows everyone is miserable and they all need a vice in order to deal with it ( I have chocolate), all I'm saying is that binge drinking is something to be ashamed off.

People want to forget and ignore that they are miserable and that they are living in an ever increasing depressing society, but once they sober up, they'll be left feeling sick and probably even more cash strapped then they were before... but this country will always be depressing.

But most English people continue behaving like this even when they are in a beautiful country and that is something that need to change quickly, or do you want the whole world to think that all English people are disgusting drunks with no self respect. I tell you this now, this is not something to be proud of and while you're getting piss drunk, the Government's getting bus dismantling the NHS,but hey, liver disease and other alcohol related illnesses are tomorrows problem. Immigrant are not the ones we should worry that might cause a burden on the state, it's English people and the Government has done its best to foster this behavior, because when your all out on the town, they'll do their best to make sure you don't have much of a town left after all these cut! #AUSTERITY/ROBBERYWHAT;STHE DIFFERENCE?