Tuesday, 22 September 2015

5 more years

That's how long Jeremy Corbyn will have to deal with all the nonsense the Conservative controlled media  will throw at him. And that is also how long the public will listen to all these stories, but will the public be able to recognize that these "stories" are just scaremongering tactic used by a Government that is afraid to lose the power (to screw us over)? What is rather disturbing is that I believe that many of them wont be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction.

The fact is that people in this country have been brainwashed into believing that this is normal...Yes, living in poverty, having no job security and in constant debt, let me tell you, it is not normal and people should no accept it as such. The current Government is doing absolutely nothing to help the people but everything they can to push us deeper into poverty, just this week Osborne is planning to cur free school meal for primary school children!!! How is this allowed to be in a country that is always claiming to be morally superior to everyone else?!! Many children in this so called Great Britain are going to bed hungry and now they want to take away meals they get at school???

The also want to abolish the current Human Rights Act and replace it with something more tailored to suit people like them- the privileged few.

A society elects a Government that will best serve EVERYONE, that has always be my thoughts of it, but if the Government is only serving the Corporations, the banks and each other, may it not be the time for some form of positive change? Jeremy Cobyn is anti- austerity which will harm the banks and anti-war which harms the military- both of these are huge drains on the economy that no one else is pointing out. And Jeremy Corbyn is just doing what a responsible person in a position of power should do- he's pointing it out, and that is why they mainstream media is trying to portray him as a disrupt-er!

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