Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Voiceless Society

Some people are so infuriating it drives me mad. The mainstream media has been doing a great job at distorted the fact and not asking the real questions,TFL workers are on strike and all the " talking heads" can talk about is how this is hurting the economy. The average Joe is easily whipped up by this media drive frenzy, but they don't understand that this is the only way for employees to voice their concern and have some REAL effect on the working environment, but above all, people go on strike when they are suffering an incredible injustice and they do it at great risk of losing there job, there's nothing fun about it despite what Boris Johnson says.

Yet the focus has been to criminalize them and make them look like troublemakers. And if that doesn't work, they do what they can to turn the public against them by claiming that the striker make enough money, so what have they got to strike about? What they neglect to say to the public is that these "complainers" work incredibly long hours in an unsafe environment under miserable conditions. If working in the underground is so wonderful than why don't one of those tory toffs try doing it?!!

This is the only voice employees have left the Tory Government is doing everything it can to stump it out, once this happens this will give businesses free reign to abuse its workforce. And the first step in achieving this is to turn the people against their own interest, and the sad part is that it's working.

If I'm not mistaken, a Government is supposed to look out for the welfare of the people and not the multi- national corporations? However it does look an awful lot like this Government is doing what it can to take out voices away. Ummmm

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