Saturday, 1 August 2015

War on the poor?

War has always been used as a way to liberate people from a repressive regime with the hopes of having a better life, that's the popular justification, However a secret war has been going on for a long time and the people are unaware of it or they simply don't care because they believe it doesn't concern them.

Currently a war on the poor and less fortunate ( which is most of the country) is well and truly underway. Has everybody forgotten the London 2012 scandal and how the councils were trying to get the " less desirable" people away from where the games were going to be held and re-locate them?? They are still trying to get people out of central London and into " ghettos", so that tourists from other countries and foreign Governments don't actually see the rampant poverty and growing inequality in this so called Great Britain!!

Is this how a compassionate and progressive society meant to behave? And least we forget about the homeless spikes around London designed to discourage " rough sleepers! i.e the homeless. This kind of behaviour sickens me, so instead of trying to understand and help these people who have fallen on rough time, this Government  instead adopts the policy of " out of sigh, out of mind".

And the current austerity policy is just going to accelerate this problem, what do you think will happen when they have completely destroyed the NHS, jobseekers allowance and incapacity benefits, all of which are designed to help prevent people from getting into dire straights, I mean if we can give welfare to all those banksters, why can't we do the same for the people?

The saddest and most disturbing thing to come out of all this, is that many of the people are actually on the side of destroying the welfare system.. and why, because of how the media has decided to frame the issue. The mainstream media has does it best to apply a negative stigma to the people who need the help and have labeled them as "scroungers" and as burdens. The popular media have made the people go against their own interest, because we have to face a simple truth, most of us will need some help sooner or late, because there is no job security left and with the cost of living on the rise every second, people will need help. But no one, not even the Government look at the long term.

One day you might need help from the welfare system and it might not be there, you really can't afford to let it die or you will regret it, and by the time people wake up to this, it may already be too late.

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