“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
This is a very simple scientific law that can be applied to
almost everything. For example if there is a heat-wave outside or it is pouring
with rain you dress accordingly and keep hydrated, you don’t declare war on the
weather- unlike some countries which naturally default to that solution!
Some counties ( that will remain unnamed, but you know who
you are!) see declaring war as the only solution, for example; the war on
drugs, the war on poverty, the war on terrorism, war on the climate?! And now
it has become increasingly obvious the they
have declared war on whistle blowers and consequently free speech.
If you just take a second to think about why these people resort
to these actions that have been deem illegal by the powers that be, why do
people get addicted to drugs? It usually stems from poor education and poverty
but mostly because the Government choose to neglect and ignore the problem when
it is in its infancy and realize that people need help not simply jail time.
Does anyone even stop and give a moments though to these people (yes, people)
who commit acts of terror? They are people with lives and families of their
own, now why would they willingly give this up, it can’t be easy, yet the
western media neglects to probe this issue, they would rather classify them
simply as evil. Seeing them only in this
way blinds you to the fact that they are just people that have been driven to
acts of desperation.
All of this happens over years even decades of pent up anger
and despair but no one notices it because no one pays any attention until it’s
too late. Take climate change as a major example of the extent of our neglect,
we chose to ignore all the terrible storms, floods, extreme heat-waves and
bitterly cold winters until it started to effect the rich i.e New York,
Hurricane Sandy and the flooding in Somerset England. They just abandoned the
people affected by Hurricane Katrina and it and been areas of England got
flooded constantly but it wasn't until posh areas were affected that we got any
kind of significant news coverage.
The latest war that
has been declared that is perhaps the most disturbing is the war on the
whistle blowers and free speech. This is pure and simply, the Government’s way
to squash dissenters, but isn't allowing people to voice their dissent a big
part of what it means to be a democracy?? But that’s it, we aren't a real
democracy or we would be allowed to protest peacefully without being penned in
by what looks more and more like the army.
Whistle blowers should be protected not hunted down like
criminal, what are they really doing?? They are telling the people that your
privacy is constantly being invaded in the name of “ national security” and you
country is committing horrendous acts in the name of democracy- I didn't know
that mowing down small kids was protecting our democratic way, but I guess
since it’s only brown face so far that it doesn't
The importance of people like Assange, Snowden and Manning
are that they have made the public aware of what “ the powers that be” are
doing, and the people ( well, most of them) are disgusted with what is
happening in their name and they want it to change. Change doesn't just happen,
you got to want things to change- what, did you think the Government will just
change things for the betterment of the people because they want to??? If it
continues to make them rich they will continues to do it. And if we can’t even
voice our concerns though things like protesting freely, how are we any
different than the third world??
Snowden may not be the hero that most people claim,, but he’s
also not the villain that the western media like to say he is, what he is, is
what most people should strive for… a person who is PAYING
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