Monday, 14 July 2014

Eating yourself to death

This country is so oblivious to the real problem that they are willing to spend millions just to provide a band aid. The wonderful minds have started to push out fat reducing operation to try and help people with extreme cases of type 2 diabetes, isn’t that what they do across the pond??? Only over there because most of their citizens cannot afford healthcare they are just forced to suffer- what a civilized country! ( I’m being sarcastic)

Over here in the UK we have the NHS ( not for long though!)  And that means that the operation will be free and paid by the taxpayer, so it can mean that people will get fat on purpose just to have this surgery, now I’m not saying that people will do this, all I’m saying is that.. this choice is out there for some people.
Instead of taking note of people at the end, why don’t we try and understand how and why they got to that state. It’s all to do with the diet and what kind of food people have access to. Channel 4 recently did a documentary on the world’s best diet and England didn’t even make it into the top 10, they came in at a pathetic 34 while the top three consisted of Iceland, Italy and Greece all countries that the British snobbery regard as poor.

In the eyes of the British these countries might seen lazy because they dedicate more time to the meals and taking breaks from the drudgery of work, but in my eyes these countries have got their priorities right,  the types of food you put into your body is of the highest importance as they directly impact your health and your standard on life.

Another thing that must not be ignored is how people are actually afraid to tell people that they are putting on weight, now I am not saying we have to be rude and mean about it, but a few word wont hurt. A person doesn't get so fat that they need surgery overnight, it happens over time, people are just not paying attention.I know I'm putting on weight when I can't fit into my clothes with ease and I acknowledge that something is wrong and I adjust my eating habits. People have just accepted that it's normal and just buy new clothes! 

Unlike the States where they have the average person has the shortest life expectancy and a wide array of illnesses’. And why would this be the case for the ( supposed) richest country in the west? It’s rather simple actually, most of the food is no longer food, it is just processed bad quality food and genetically modified which basically it has probably been drowned in chemical and other poisons before consumption.
All you have to do is see how they “farm” their meat. The animals are put in what can only be described as a slave camp. They are enclosed in an area where they never get any exercise- because they can’t move, they are standing in their own waste, being forced to eat seeds instead on what they normally eat, which is grass and being pumped full of antibiotics and hormones so that the livestock puts on more weight.

Now what do you suppose happens to the animals? They get illness which mean we also get illnesses’. Factory farming is part of the problem, you can’t expect that to produce high quality meat when they never see the sun!! But this kind of meat is cheap and that is all people are looking for when it comes to the food they consume but they will pay over £200 to get the latest iphone!!!

Where is the logic??!! 

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