Proopanda is a dangerous and effective tool to generate anger and hysteria in the people, it is especially effective when the people stop asking questions, like they have here. Propaganda is used in various ways, but the most common use is to simplify a very complicated issue to either good or evil. But you see... reality is not that simple and when the media help encourage this kind of " simple" thinking- it can be rather dangerous!
The topic that is in fashion is that all Muslim are potential terrorists, to the educated individual, this is plainly wrong, yet to the masses it encourage anger, hostility and a large amount of distrust to the Muslim community. Hostility than can quickly turn to violence and people getting hurt. The media has bombarded us with image of terrorism and " brown" people so the masses will inevitably make that connection, they have also shown images of women wearing the veil and nikab and making the connection that this is an oppressive religion that distrusts women.
This is why people have to ask questions especially when journalist don't! People need to understand what kind of desperate situations drive people to commit acts of terror- a happy individual will not blow themselves up! The Western media often neglect to show the death and destuction on the other side, they would rather depict them as a James Bond villan so that you will be more inclined to cheer at his/ her death.
Another major misconception is about the nikab. In countries like the UK women wear it because they choose to wear it, not every Muslim women wears it and the women that do are perfectly free to do whatever they want, unlike countries like Saudia Arabia where women can get jailtime for driving! Yet groups like the EDL like to target and show hostility to Muslims here- now why is that??? UMMMMM
Unless you ask questions and try to get both sides of the story, you'll never get to the heart of the issue. Many of the Western media have forgotton what it is to be a journalist and the ones that still have credibility have been thrown in jail ( Al Jazeera reporters). So it is up to each individual to try and find out both sides of the issues before coming to any kind of conclusion.
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