Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Our ignorance is their strength.

Everyone claims to be afraid and fighting against fascism but what they don’t realise is just how close the UK is to fascism. One core belief of fascism is productivity and profit over the interest of the people, and that is exactly what we have, the needs of corporations are given priority over the needs of the people, so in essence humanity has been removed.

The UK is constantly putting profits ahead of people, no one wants “ fracking” in their backyard, people have been out in droves protesting against it, yet it has been given the go ahead by the politicians to the queen! People were outraged about the NSA and GCHQ spying scandal yet that has seemed to have increased, and the way in which these agencies are getting all our details is by working with the corporations that handle our information on a daily basis like : Google, Facebook etc. To my knowledge the very definition of fascism is the collusion between Government and corporations.

The other way this society is becoming highly undemocratic is by limiting our access to (impartial) information and controlling our ability to voice our dissent. For example, the news media is a joke and the ones that are decent  either get airtime when nobody is watching or they just get their funding pulled and ultimately cancelled.

This government has declared a war on journalism by deciding to lump investigative journalism with terrorism. Some people may think things like this will never happen in this country- oh yeah, because we’re so civilised!!! But has anyone ever seen any of the mainstream media?? They are so obviously scared to be critical of anything because they fear what will happen to the company if they’re critical of the government- tell me, how is that any different from the government of North Korea?!
Don’t you people how significant this is? If the population isn’t well informed they tend to make bad choices or become a very manipulated and malleable public that will believe anything. What do we have instead of a decent news media, we have a bunch of useless distractions- that’s right, let’s all forget the fact that we live in a cardboard box and barely have enough money to live on but let’s all cheer for prince George and the rest of the parasites.

Having a free and open media is essential for a democracy but then again.. we’re not a democracy, especially when we lable investigation journalist-who are doing a great service for the public as terrorists.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Power to the people??

How people still believe this country is a democracy still baffles me! Thousand of people protested against the mass slaughter that is happening in Gaza but none of the mainstream news channels decided to show it, that is until it turns into a riot, then it will be on the news 24/7. And it's simple really, they want to discourage people from voicing their dissent and they want to make sure that people see protesting as a violent crime only.

How the hell is this a democracy when the people are being overlooked constantly? 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Eating yourself to death

This country is so oblivious to the real problem that they are willing to spend millions just to provide a band aid. The wonderful minds have started to push out fat reducing operation to try and help people with extreme cases of type 2 diabetes, isn’t that what they do across the pond??? Only over there because most of their citizens cannot afford healthcare they are just forced to suffer- what a civilized country! ( I’m being sarcastic)

Over here in the UK we have the NHS ( not for long though!)  And that means that the operation will be free and paid by the taxpayer, so it can mean that people will get fat on purpose just to have this surgery, now I’m not saying that people will do this, all I’m saying is that.. this choice is out there for some people.
Instead of taking note of people at the end, why don’t we try and understand how and why they got to that state. It’s all to do with the diet and what kind of food people have access to. Channel 4 recently did a documentary on the world’s best diet and England didn’t even make it into the top 10, they came in at a pathetic 34 while the top three consisted of Iceland, Italy and Greece all countries that the British snobbery regard as poor.

In the eyes of the British these countries might seen lazy because they dedicate more time to the meals and taking breaks from the drudgery of work, but in my eyes these countries have got their priorities right,  the types of food you put into your body is of the highest importance as they directly impact your health and your standard on life.

Another thing that must not be ignored is how people are actually afraid to tell people that they are putting on weight, now I am not saying we have to be rude and mean about it, but a few word wont hurt. A person doesn't get so fat that they need surgery overnight, it happens over time, people are just not paying attention.I know I'm putting on weight when I can't fit into my clothes with ease and I acknowledge that something is wrong and I adjust my eating habits. People have just accepted that it's normal and just buy new clothes! 

Unlike the States where they have the average person has the shortest life expectancy and a wide array of illnesses’. And why would this be the case for the ( supposed) richest country in the west? It’s rather simple actually, most of the food is no longer food, it is just processed bad quality food and genetically modified which basically it has probably been drowned in chemical and other poisons before consumption.
All you have to do is see how they “farm” their meat. The animals are put in what can only be described as a slave camp. They are enclosed in an area where they never get any exercise- because they can’t move, they are standing in their own waste, being forced to eat seeds instead on what they normally eat, which is grass and being pumped full of antibiotics and hormones so that the livestock puts on more weight.

Now what do you suppose happens to the animals? They get illness which mean we also get illnesses’. Factory farming is part of the problem, you can’t expect that to produce high quality meat when they never see the sun!! But this kind of meat is cheap and that is all people are looking for when it comes to the food they consume but they will pay over £200 to get the latest iphone!!!

Where is the logic??!! 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Inferiority complex?

The mentality of a bully

You will come across bullies almost everywhere, from school life to work life but their power is often limited to a few people, when s bully has the power and authority to make a whole civilization live in fear.. that is when it starts to get dangerous and the results are tragic.

A bully will see themselves as infallible, they can never do anything wrong and when they do get called out, they will just  continues to believe that what they are doing is right even though there is compelling evidence to contradict this mindset. In essence a bully can be just simply a coward.

A bully will always see themselves as the victims and even when they have they clearly have more resources, more power and support they will continue to believe everyone is against them. And if the victim of the bully ever dares to fight back against this oppressive bully, the bully will act in horror and shock and will often retaliate with devastating force.

Now, what countries have this same mindset??? Who believes that their life is worth 150 of yours??? And who believe that in order to end terrorism you must invade and occupy and impose your way of thinking onto others countries? And which countries will try to silence the press in order to keep their illegal activities out of the public eye?

Saturday, 12 July 2014

The war to control information

A free press is the cornerstone of any democracy; it enables the population to be properly informed about the goings on in the world. It should be able to get both sides of the story and be able to do so freely without the intimidation of Governments or other forms of organised crime. Investigative journalism is fast becoming extinct and this is not only bad for the industry but also for society.

As I have said before, high quality investigative journalism allows for a well informed public, a rational public. In most parts the type of journalism we get now is mostly just talking heads spouting their own opinions, objectivity has been replaced by a media that perpetuates sensationalism, which then inevitably leads to a rather anxious and somewhat misinformed and sometimes even a violent society.

This is why you have to question the Government.. why would they want the public to be constantly afraid and angry?? The simple reason why they would want the public to be in a constant state of fear is quite simple,  it thus becomes that much easier for them to take away rights and freedoms under the pretense of guaranteed safety. First of all, you can’t guarantee absolute safety, so that’s a lie and secondly how is giving up your freedom and rights helping to protect your freedoms?

The simple explanation is that if you are foolish enough to give up these rights you also give up your right to voice your dissent when the Government does anything harmful towards you like spying and snooping!!!  And how can they control this…. By taking away the means of getting information.
The “ news” media is guilty of being  lopsided or they always seen to have their own agenda, and that is because in most part they are owned by multi- million pound corporations or the Government has a large stake in it and if they decide to report anything that displeases the overloads, they will lose their funding or be cancelled. When the Government get their hands on what information we have access to it quickly turns into a propaganda tool.

The recent horrific attack on Palestine has opened the eyes of some people, because in the first days of that conflict the BBC had a rather different slant on it, more pro- Israel, but because of the wonders of the internet and the people actual wanting to know what was really happening, people soon realized that what the BBC was trying to make us believe was not what was really happening. After getting a ton of backlash about their “reporting”, they have decided to show what’s actually going on. ( for a while at least)
And this was achieved thanks to our access to the internet, but that may soon be gone as we know it because the powers that be do not like the fact that they can’t control the flow of information, so they are putting as many restrictions on the internet that they can.

Unfortunately the people are not always so proactive and thus let the nonsense of the mainstream media pollute their minds and that is why investigative journalist are so important to a democratic society.  A good investigative journalist will not let themselves be bullied by the Government into only reporting what they approve off, a good journalist will ask probing questions and probe even further to get to the truth.
The public also has to question why the big old Government would resort to bullying to get what they want, and is what they want really in the public’s best interest.


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Democracy was fun while it lasted!

This society is bolted shut.

There are 10 simple steps that every tyrant uses to close a society that was once rather open and they are:

Step 1.  Invoke an external and internal threat- Muslims, Migrants, take your pick! But he neglects the real threat: CLIMATE CHANGE!

Step 2.  Secret prison where torture can take place away from prying eyes.

 Step 3. Develop a paramilitary force- has anyone taken a look at the police during any kind of protest??

Step 4. Surveil  ordinary people- That is what’s happening right now, Cameron might say it’s just a temporary resort, but just wait, you give him this and all of us will come under the category of potential threats that will need constant surveillance.

Step 5. Infiltrate citizen groups.

Step 6.  Detain and release ordinary citizens- does anyone remember David Miranda???

Step 7. Target key individuals. 

Step 8. Restrict the press- have you seen the reporting lately?? It’s a joke! And anyone who dares to report on something the Government doesn't approve gets bullied by Government thugs i.e the Guardian being forced to destroy documents and hard-drive by the UK Government!

Step 9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason- has anyone taken a look across the pond, how long do you think before in arrives here in full?

Step 10. Subvert the rule of law- which happens every other day to protect what this Government truly values- The Corporations.

Tyranny here we come!

David Cameron is such a lapdog, doing whatever his master says!
He trying to expand the spying program because his boyfriend wants him to. # SPINELESSB**TARD!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Newton's Third Law

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”

This is a very simple scientific law that can be applied to almost everything. For example if there is a heat-wave outside or it is pouring with rain you dress accordingly and keep hydrated, you don’t declare war on the weather- unlike some countries which naturally default to that solution!
Some counties ( that will remain unnamed, but you know who you are!) see declaring war as the only solution, for example; the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on terrorism, war on the climate?! And now it has become increasingly obvious the they have declared war on whistle blowers and consequently free speech.
If you just take a second to think about why these people resort to these actions that have been deem illegal by the powers that be, why do people get addicted to drugs? It usually stems from poor education and poverty but mostly because the Government choose to neglect and ignore the problem when it is in its infancy and realize that people need help not simply jail time. Does anyone even stop and give a moments though to these people (yes, people) who commit acts of terror? They are people with lives and families of their own, now why would they willingly give this up, it can’t be easy, yet the western media neglects to probe this issue, they would rather classify them simply as evil.  Seeing them only in this way blinds you to the fact that they are just people that have been driven to acts of desperation.  

All of this happens over years even decades of pent up anger and despair but no one notices it because no one pays any attention until it’s too late. Take climate change as a major example of the extent of our neglect, we chose to ignore all the terrible storms, floods, extreme heat-waves and bitterly cold winters until it started to effect the rich i.e New York, Hurricane Sandy and the flooding in Somerset England. They just abandoned the people affected by Hurricane Katrina and it and been areas of England got flooded constantly but it wasn't until posh areas were affected that we got any kind of significant news coverage.

  The latest war that has been declared that is perhaps the most disturbing is the war on the whistle blowers and free speech. This is pure and simply, the Government’s way to squash dissenters, but isn't allowing people to voice their dissent a big part of what it means to be a democracy?? But that’s it, we aren't a real democracy or we would be allowed to protest peacefully without being penned in by what looks more and more like the army.
Whistle blowers should be protected not hunted down like criminal, what are they really doing?? They are telling the people that your privacy is constantly being invaded in the name of “ national security” and you country is committing horrendous acts in the name of democracy- I didn't know that mowing down small kids was protecting our democratic way, but I guess since it’s only brown face so far that it doesn't

The importance of people like Assange, Snowden and Manning are that they have made the public aware of what “ the powers that be” are doing, and the people ( well, most of them) are disgusted with what is happening in their name and they want it to change. Change doesn't just happen, you got to want things to change- what, did you think the Government will just change things for the betterment of the people because they want to??? If it continues to make them rich they will continues to do it. And if we can’t even voice our concerns though things like protesting freely, how are we any different than the third world??

Snowden may not be the hero that most people claim,, but he’s also not the villain that the western media like to say he is, what he is, is what most people should strive for… a person who is PAYING

Monday, 7 July 2014

Balanced reporting????

Proopanda is a dangerous and effective tool to generate anger and hysteria in the people, it is especially effective when the people stop asking questions, like they have here. Propaganda is used in various ways, but the most common use is to simplify a very complicated issue to either good or evil. But you see... reality is not that simple and when the media help encourage this kind of " simple" thinking- it can be rather dangerous!

 The topic that is in fashion is that all Muslim are potential terrorists, to the educated individual, this is plainly wrong, yet to the masses it encourage anger, hostility and a large amount of distrust to the Muslim community. Hostility than can quickly turn to violence and people getting hurt. The media has bombarded us with image of terrorism and " brown" people so the masses will inevitably make that connection, they have also shown images of women wearing the veil and nikab and making the connection that this is an oppressive religion that distrusts women.

 This is why people have to ask questions especially when journalist don't! People need to understand what kind of desperate situations drive people to commit acts of terror- a happy individual will not blow themselves up! The Western media often neglect to show the death and destuction on the other side, they would rather depict them as a James Bond villan so that you will be more inclined to cheer at his/ her death. Another major misconception is about the nikab. In countries like the UK women wear it because they choose to wear it, not every Muslim women wears it and the women that do are perfectly free to do whatever they want, unlike countries like Saudia Arabia where women can get jailtime for driving! Yet groups like the EDL like to target and show hostility to Muslims here- now why is that??? UMMMMM 

Unless you ask questions and try to get both sides of the story, you'll never get to the heart of the issue. Many of the Western media have forgotton what it is to be a journalist and the ones that still have credibility have been thrown in jail ( Al Jazeera reporters). So it is up to each individual to try and find out both sides of the issues before coming to any kind of conclusion.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

For the future!

Why is there still a debate about this??? The scientific community has said that Climate Change is real and we are the cause, yet because a few right wing nut jobs disagree, nothing is being done, in most cases it's getting worse with the UK just discovering " FRACKING". Why on Earth do we continue to listen to these idiots. We have already reached the tipping point the UN just refuses to tell you because they've been paid off by the damm oil lobbies. They've sold off our future so that they can have their yachts!