Saturday, 1 February 2014

Stupidity reigns supreme

The EDL are the biggest bunch of twats and cowards that I have ever heard of, but the bigger idiots are Slough council- why let them march? this is not free speech, it's hate speech and I'm pretty sure that's against the law. They have decided to come all the way to Slough causing major disruptions to the train and the high street had to close on a Saturday!! And they're angry because an Islamic school is going to open in Langley- does this make any sense?!!

The amount this must have cost the council... first the riot police (that were there to protect the EDL!) vans, dogs, horses, helicopters and not to forgot the loss of business to all the stores that had to shut their doors, it must have been ASTRONOMICAL!! And Fiona had said she was just allowing their democratic rights!!! That doesn't cover the kind of hate and blatant lies and propaganda they were going on about. They were demonizing Islam and saying that it is oppressive and backwards, yeah right and what, they're the pinnacle of civility??!! . All these demonstrations show is how uneducated and ignorant these people are, they are moaning about things that could never happen like Sharia Law- no one can just change the law ( except bankers) and any change would be a very long and public process!

They are just a bunch of racist thugs,because there are plenty of Hindu and Sikh schools, why are they not moaning about them? It's simple really, Islam is portrayed in the news as this terrifying and oppressive regime and if you're not careful they're going to steal your women and brainwash your children. And these people are so simple and stupid that they don't know any better! And what really scares me is the fact that there are more idiot than intelligent and rational folks.

The Anti Fascist league should have just ignored them,the EDL are like toddlers if you don't give them any attention they will eventually tire themselves out. But what were the people in the council thinking when they gave them a permit to come to an area that is predominately populated by Indians and Pakistanis?? Common sense has obviously eluded them!

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