Sunday, 16 February 2014

Moronic media!

I may be the only one to notice just how simple the mainstream news has become, it's as if they're worried if they use to many big words they will lose the audience. And that's another sad thing, the fact that people have become so " simple" that they would be lost if the news tried to explain things using adult language!

For a long time I've noticed this " simplification" of the population, the media has a huge chunk of responsibility, by choosing to care more about profits and audience shares they have become less focused on the actual news and instead provide us with " soundbites".

Recently all the local news channels have been focusing on the floods that have ravaged the UK. This is a
newsworthy story there's no denying that but some of the questions that come out of the "reporters" mouth are just so ridiculous. On the BBC they had on a scientist to talk about the climate and they asked him what made him think the extreme weather was due to the jet stream? And  the guest was obviously frustrated by the news team and there lack of knowledge. For over 30 years climate scientist were shouting from the hill tops about climate change and you've only decided to focus on it know because it's arrived at your backyard. Believe me I share his frustration, there has been no seasons for years now, that must have tipped of someone and told them that something was wrong!!

The news media has a responsibility to inform people not distract them, which it has done with great success. But you can't ignore it when your home is under water!! Tell me Mr Cameron, how has this hurt the economy?!! And another very serious issue: why did we have to bring pumps from Holland? why didn't the " great British engineers"have them ready?? Oh yeah that's right, we don't have any left because you keep pushing everyone into finance, like that's worth anything, I guess if we run out of sandbag, we can always use some bankers!!

The media can help by focusing less on celebrity gossip and focusing on things that have real value and can actual make a positive impact on the world.

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