Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Stupidity has a name.....

.... And that name is David Cameron. He want us to be the same as America and why??!!! Has anyone
taken a look at what is going on over there; they are the unhealthiest people and poor in every department in education, income inequality and healthcare. I can see why that stupid toff wants to be like that- so he can make MONEY! That's one of the major reasons he wants to leave the EU, because according to him the impede trade and competition. What a bunch of BS! The regulations and so called restrictions on trade are put there so the people don't get screwed over! But he doesn't care about the people, according to his pal Boris Johnson anyone who is poor is just stupid and lazy! This is another thing that frightens me, these people openly insult us but the people will still flock towards them.

The propaganda against the EU has been going on for so long, but the scary thing is that people don't realize it is propaganda, they believe it whole heartily. What they have to question is why does the UK want to leave the EU, and its rather simple, they don't want to follow any rule. If you're in the EU you have to follow strict regulations like: the clean air and water act, you have to answer to the court of human rights and you have to provide correct information to the consumer i.e labeling! Having said all that he's comfortable taking money from the EU, due to the recent storms he was forced to ask the EU for help in regards to disaster funds, so he's okay with taking the money just not following the rules!

And the US doesn't have to follow any of these, and look at their people suffering from bloody diarrhea because of all the poisons they put into their body without even knowing it, and the Fracking which has contaminated most of their water and the air has also been linked to a rise in infertility, and just take a look at how much of the population is behind bars or living on the street!!!

People are so obsessed with get everything cheap, well what do you think will happen if we leave the EU??
The price to holiday in Spain will go up and guess what.... all of the good food comes from Europe. Tomatoes, grapes and oranges are from Spain or Italy which are in Europe!!!!

Someone should tell David Dumb ass that we don't want to be poisoned or put in jail because of something arbitrary- but because he has no one to hold him back he can do whatever he wants, which includes silencing the press and turning any act of dissent into a crime- which will probably mean people like me will be in jail, and that goes double for me because I'm brown.

They are already trying to criminalize protesters and are pushing forward the use of water canons against protesters, how long do you think it will be before they start to use deadly force??

Fascism 2014 here we come!

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