Maybe instead of pissing away all the profits from the North Sea Oil on making the rich even richer so the rest of the world think we're a prosperous little island, maybe they should have though about what all this spending on frivolous "projects" would do in the long term. We've had at least 3 financial crashes from 1980- the present day, and this current one doesn't seem to be slowing down, how can it slow down when people don't even accept that they made a mistake.
From early childhood I learnt that it's okay to make mistakes as you first acknowledge it was wrong and that you learn from it. It sure seems that politicians and bankers have never been taught that lesson since they continue to commit massive amounts of fraud and come up with these ponzi scheme like " help to buy", which is just creating another bubble!
Nothing in this country is built to endure the test of time- just take a look at the new builds! They don't believe in getting the small things right like being able to feed or house the population, all they want is the quick result, they don't care at all that this fast track to "prosperity" is built on shaky foundations. The simple explanation and maybe the most obvious is that they long to be like the US. Now what person in their right mind would want to be like that? Most of the population is incarcerated, living in poverty, homeless, illiterate and without any form of health care.
Why not be more like the Scandinavian counties where there is a higher quality of living for all and better infrastructure and a greater respect and appreciation for the environment.
I am fully aware that they pay higher taxes but they only get taxed once and it's called income tax, we have got income tax, VAT and the cost of tickets( which is basically a tax on the poor) which keep rising each year even though the service is way below standards. There is absolutely nothing worthwhile for the average person that our tax is paying for, the past months have shown us just how poor the infrastructure is- for God's sake they haven't updated it since the Victorian Ages!!!
Continually saying your the best doesn't necessarily mean your the best- just look at the English football team, everyone else has adapted to the different playing style but you refuse to evolve from your brutish ways.