Thursday, 25 July 2013

So say we all!


I have had the privilege of reading many books on the subject and they all come to a similar conclusion, democracy is for the people and ultimately by the people, the people should be a participant factor in everything.  This may seem all fine and dandy but it helps if the people are actually educated in the goings on because this in turn will determine whether or not they make “good” choices.

 You would think that most of the population would be educated, especially in the “developed” world yet there has been a visible lack of rational and educated people, more people are being influenced by emotion other than hard facts. A prime example is the issue with immigration and how immigrants are supposedly taking our jobs. This way of thinking will ultimately lead to violence and hostility towards the immigrant population.

Now whereas an educated person would look past this outlandish headline and look into what types of jobs they are apparently stealing, they are menial labour such as cleaners or carers- not to say this isn’t just as important but the vacancy wouldn’t be there if the home-grown people went for them, but the fact that there are these vacancies just goes to show that no one is going for them. All this should prove that the immigration population is actually helping your economy not destroying it, because they are more willing and less arrogant to do the vital jobs that you won’t because you feel you’re above doing it.

In many “developed” countries they have a representative democracy, it  is also known as indirect democracy it is based on the idea of having elected officials that represent a large group of people. This probably sounds like a more civilised way of getting things done, but   when the large group of people are a bunch of illiterates, it makes it that much easier for the elected official to get what they want, because he/she knows that all they have to do is throw a few popular phrases out there and the people won’t know what they are really doing, or the more effective way for the politicos to get what they want done is by distracting the public with some form of spectacle while they rob you of your basic liberties.
If any democracy is to survive it is almost essential that they have the following: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, religious freedom and freedom of the press. In many of the so called developed world where they claim to be a country that embraces democracy and wants to bring it to the rest of the world, don’t really have it at all. What they do instead is pay lip service to the ideas of democracy without actually having to practice it.

Most of the mainstream news isn’t actually news, what they do instead is try to turn it into entertainment in order to get a wider audiences, but the news by definition is supposed to inform you not entertain you, by trying to make it more “entertaining they have simplified it and by doing that they have robbed the public of knowing the whole story, this in turn contributes to an ignorant society. The reason behind turning news into entertainment comes from the private corporations that finance the news; they see how simpler topic and language get a larger market share and that will lead to more profits. The fact that the news has to be simple in order for the public to watch it says a lot about the public!

 So in the end we will always circle back to education and the fact that this Government is either cutting education or making it next to impossible to get one, should tell you where their priorities lie.  Just to give you an example of the “wisdom” of this Government, they have started this campaign in order to get rid of immigrants, first they have demonised them saying they are stealing your jobs and then they make it out that they are getting more benefits, all of this is designed so that the public believe it is the right to deport them and they don’t give it a second thought. Remind you of anything? This will ultimately lead to an ever increasing hostility to anyone who looks like they don’t belong. This widespread propaganda plus the general ignorance of the general public can only lead to disaster.

We do not live in a democracy how can we be if the public’s safety isn’t given more of a though then potential profits. Corporations and big banks have  precedence over the public’s well being and safety?

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