Energy at what cost?
Some people are only now starting to understand that what we
have might run out and that we have to start putting in a plan for renewable
energy, and we should do it pretty soon. But for this “search for the magical
energy source” , must we really destroy so much beauty? It’s rather absurd that
in order to save the planet, we have to simultaneously destroy the planet??
Just take the States for instance, for a while now they have been getting
minerals from the mountains by blowing the tops off, in what is aptly called “
mountain top removal”. How insane or lazy does one have to be, instead of using
skill and finesse, let’s just blow up the entire thing with as much dynamite we
can get our chubby hands on. That land will be scarred forever, so in essence
we’re turning this stunning and amazing fertile planet into the moon!
Another thing those brilliant “people” in the States are
doing is something called Fracking. It’s scientific term is Hydraulic
Fracturing. This is basically drilling
into the ground to break rocks to get to the supposedly enormous supply of
Shale Gas, which is meant to be cleaner than the energy we use now. The scary
thing is that the UK is thinking of adopting this method as well, but what they
fail to comprehend is, the States have being doing this for a long time and
communities have discovered that it may not be a “magic bullet” for the worlds
energy crisis. There are more earthquakes in certain area, contamination in the
water supply, rising number in illness and other medical conditions- there was
a documentary made to explain what the down sides are, it’s call Gasland, maybe
the powers that be should give it a watch!
Do these people not understand that people will die without
water?? Not only does it contaminate water but it also uses an enormous amount
of water! The areas in which it operate will be devastated also, we’re talking
about animal and plant life- what gives you the right to determine the fate of
so many species.
Why must we be at war with nature, why can’t we at least
attempt to work with it, after all nature has been around a lot longer than us
maybe we can learn something- if we can just stop being so arrogant.
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