It still amazes me at the naivety of some people, they actually believe that this country is a “democracy”, they do make me laugh. How in the hell is this a democracy if your most basic right has been take away; freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is the right to communicate ideas and is vital for any democracy to flourish. People may claim that we have the right to assemble and voice our dissent, but really you don’t.

People who voice their dissent should not be branded as traitors; on the contrary, they should be hailed as true heroes or patriots. They help the average Joe realise what the government is doing in their name, if the “ powers that be didn’t have people like Bradley Manning, Julian Assange or the more recent case of Edward Snowden “leaking” information than we would never know about all the atrocities and how our basic civil liberties are being eroded away.
The whistle blowers are there and should always be there to keep the Government in check and stop them from exploiting the very people they were elected to serve. All these men have done is shown the people how corrupt and how hypocritical the Government is. They expect you to follow every little law but they can pick and choose to suit them. The very fact that people don’t see this blatant manipulation will always cause me a lot of distress, but it does still shock me about how little people actually know.
The main reasons why this is the case is because of two major components:
• The Media i.e TV news, newspapers, magazines and even this insatiable need for celebrity gossip.
• Education- lack of education due to rising cost which often deters people from seeking any kind of higher education.
We are all exposed to all forms of media whether you are aware of it or not, they can range from TV to the Internet. Whether we want to admit it, we are all influenced by it, so you would hope that the people bombarding you with all this data will act more responsible and have some kind of ethics. Nowadays all the news corporations are owned by Private Corporation with their own agendas- and let me tell you now, it’s not to provide you with fair and balanced news, it is to make a profit and if they have to manufacture lies and foster mass hysteria, they will do it to ensure that extra buck!
Not only does the news pander to these irrational fears, like everyone who prays towards Mecca is a potential terrorist, but it is also responsible for distracting you from what really matters, which is the search for truth. The rise in a celebrity obsessed culture is widely used to do just that, if people are more invested in what happens to Justin Bieber or Jennifer Anniston’s love life, the media is more likely to show news about them because they know they will get a greater audience than if they show news about children getting killed in Pakistan or news on foreign policy which doesn’t exactly have the same glitz or glamour. And when people don’t have the right amount of information, they are more likely to vent their anger and frustration onto the wrong people and this can lead to devastating consequences- is this what the government really wants? Chaos and constant terror, then tell me, who are the real terrorists??
Education should be on the top of everyone’s list, it has been spiralling downwards for a while now. People are just not interested in education because of the rising fees for higher education and also the growing dread, that when you leave university you will be guaranteed a huge amount of debt and no employment by the end. This will inevitably lead to a truckload of kids dropping out of education before they should, and that will most likely lead to a growing population of ignorant children with a low level of education. And the Government is doing nothing to help; the solutions they come up with is triple the university fees, start cutting the budget for schools and double the amount of fast food outlets.

This has been a strategy of the Government for a long time; we didn’t just wake up one day and suddenly became gullible idiots. They did this with the help of the media, any person in their late 20’s just has to look at TV shows now, the plots have become simple and uncomplicated to make sure no higher form of thinking is involved also many shows now have “canned laughter”, they don’t even trust that you have the ability to laugh without being told!
Whereas in times long past they used to be a commentary on current events and kids shows used to be about tolerance and accepting the difference we all have, now it’s all about buying the latest toys and hypnotising you into a mindless zombie with the inability of and free thought.
In the world we live in education is the one thing that they can’t take away from you unless you let them. They can and have taken away your freedom, they’ve already taken away your money, so what education you have got is worth its weight in gold, don’t let them take that as well.
Take off the shackles people or just remain in a state of ignorance, the decision is yours- that is until they take that away from you as well.
These words taken from the book 1984 by George Orwell are used by policy makers today and have never felt more frightening.
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