Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Trees, wonderful trees!

People who know me may think I hate this country, but that's just not the case, there used to be a time when I believed some areas were stunning... that is until I visited Italy, than I saw true beauty.

Just walking down Oxford Circus on a Saturday is enough proof you need to tell you how much this country lacks in style and just sheer practicality. You are constantly being shoved by people and the paths are just to narrow to accommodate so many people, and what do the brains of London do...Nothing!

If there is a lot of foot traffic the smart thing would be to make more areas pedestrian friendly, instead of what they have now, which is just more traffic lights and roads- because we have to keep the cars coming through and polluting the air we breathe and looking to knock down a pedestrian at any given time!

And another real difference is the lack of trees or green spaces, why? Because breathing clean air is not a priority for these "people", having more stores and getting you to consume is the real objective. Tree don't produce anything of value so they are low on the list of things to have- Are you kidding me?! You will not be able to breath without trees, almost every major city in Europe has large and stunning trees lining the streets, why, because they are natures air purifiers and absorb the pollution in the air so we don't. Anglo- Saxons just can't see that, they have no vision.

Not only that but there is no where to rest your tired feet, no where to just sit and relax under protection from the elements. And not only that there is rubbish everywhere, you can literrly turn a corner and there will be a strong stench of urine and vomit. No one has any pride in themselves and it  makes me die a little anytime I am forced to venture into London.

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