Sunday, 30 June 2013

What the Frak!

Energy at what cost?

Some people are only now starting to understand that what we have might run out and that we have to start putting in a plan for renewable energy, and we should do it pretty soon. But for this “search for the magical energy source” , must we really destroy so much beauty? It’s rather absurd that in order to save the planet, we have to simultaneously destroy the planet?? Just take the States for instance, for a while now they have been getting minerals from the mountains by blowing the tops off, in what is aptly called “ mountain top removal”. How insane or lazy does one have to be, instead of using skill and finesse, let’s just blow up the entire thing with as much dynamite we can get our chubby hands on. That land will be scarred forever, so in essence we’re turning this stunning and amazing fertile planet into the moon!

Another thing those brilliant “people” in the States are doing is something called Fracking. It’s scientific term is Hydraulic Fracturing.  This is basically drilling into the ground to break rocks to get to the supposedly enormous supply of Shale Gas, which is meant to be cleaner than the energy we use now. The scary thing is that the UK is thinking of adopting this method as well, but what they fail to comprehend is, the States have being doing this for a long time and communities have discovered that it may not be a “magic bullet” for the worlds energy crisis. There are more earthquakes in certain area, contamination in the water supply, rising number in illness and other medical conditions- there was a documentary made to explain what the down sides are, it’s call Gasland, maybe the powers that be should give it a watch!
Do these people not understand that people will die without water?? Not only does it contaminate water but it also uses an enormous amount of water! The areas in which it operate will be devastated also, we’re talking about animal and plant life- what gives you the right to determine the fate of so many species.

Why must we be at war with nature, why can’t we at least attempt to work with it, after all nature has been around a lot longer than us maybe we can learn something- if we can just stop being so arrogant.  

Friday, 28 June 2013

For the future of humanity.

Everyone claims to love their children and grandchildren, but then how are they able to deal with the fact that they have fundamentally destroyed the world, both economically and environmentally?  It does make me wonder when about the supposed intelligence when people put the “economy” over the environment- do they not understand that both elements go hand in hand and that the more they destroy the environment the more it will cost the economy??
Just take this year, we have had an unbearable long winter and spring was nowhere to be found. How much do you think the cost of energy was? I don’t just mean in financial terms but in lives. How many elderly people and homeless people lost their lives because they couldn't afford to pay the rising heating costs??  It would be hard to find the exact number because we don’t have a free press and the people in power don’t want to get the mob all riled up, because if you knew the real figure it would cause massive outrage and anger among
the people- or it should.
People have become an uncaring bunch, unless it directly affects them right this second they don’t care, they just go on polluting and continue with their mind numbing and soul sucking jobs!  Especially in western countries people pay no heed to what happening in other parts of the world because it’s over there and will never happen to them, they believe that just because they have money that they can control the damage, but mother nature doesn’t care if you have a gold card, the devastation will still be catastrophic just look across the pond at the States, they still haven’t sorted out New Orleans and they haven’t fully cleared the damage from Hurricane Sandy, No matter what the news claims!  
And The States boosts about being the richest and most powerful nations on Earth, what do you suppose nations like India, Pakistan and China can do against such weather?? Just earlier this month there was news about over 1,000 dead and homeless because of rising waters in Bangladesh, but it was soon forgotten by the people because we got a few days of sun!! It makes me sick to my stomach. The West and the industrialised part of the world made most of the mess and the poorest countries are being punished through loss of lives, homes and livelihood.

Countries in the West are starting to feel it as parts of Germany, France, Hungary and Canada are flooded, but there have been signs for years now, every year winter was getting longer for most countries and most of Europe and America was on fire due to extremely hot and dry summers and with increasingly devastating storms in The States.  Having to rebuild entire communities and the loss of crops has costs us dearly with the rising cost of the most basic foods, now tell me how is this not costing the economy?! Now we have scientist claiming they can replicate what nature does (did) for us for free, but how much will it cost and wouldn’t it have been better if we didn’t FRAK UP THE ENVIRONMENT TO BEGIN WITH?!!!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The right to remain silent.

Freedom, what freedom?

It still amazes me at the naivety of some people, they actually believe that this country is a “democracy”, they do make me laugh. How in the hell is this a democracy if your most basic right has been take away; freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is the right to communicate ideas and is vital for any democracy to flourish. People may claim that we have the right to assemble and voice our dissent, but really you don’t.

If you protest or speak out of turn you are quickly labelled a troublemaker or worse a terrorist. And the media does whatever it can to perpetuate this lie and repeat the same story again and again that the less educated will believe it as the truth and associate voicing your concerns and disagreements as something criminal, and so people will just do what they’re told because doing otherwise is considered to be a criminal act that will end your life as you know it.

People who voice their dissent should not be branded as traitors; on the contrary, they should be hailed as true heroes or patriots. They help the average Joe realise what the government is doing in their name, if the “ powers that be didn’t have people like Bradley Manning, Julian Assange or the more recent case of Edward Snowden “leaking” information than we would never know about all the atrocities and how our basic civil liberties are being eroded away.

The whistle blowers are there and should always be there to keep the Government in check and stop them from exploiting the very people they were elected to serve. All these men have done is shown the people how corrupt and how hypocritical the Government is. They expect you to follow every little law but they can pick and choose to suit them. The very fact that people don’t see this blatant manipulation will always cause me a lot of distress, but it does still shock me about how little people actually know.

The main reasons why this is the case is because of two major components:

• The Media i.e TV news, newspapers, magazines and even this insatiable need for celebrity gossip.

• Education- lack of education due to rising cost which often deters people from seeking any kind of higher education.

We are all exposed to all forms of media whether you are aware of it or not, they can range from TV to the Internet. Whether we want to admit it, we are all influenced by it, so you would hope that the people bombarding you with all this data will act more responsible and have some kind of ethics. Nowadays all the news corporations are owned by Private Corporation with their own agendas- and let me tell you now, it’s not to provide you with fair and balanced news, it is to make a profit and if they have to manufacture lies and foster mass hysteria, they will do it to ensure that extra buck!

Not only does the news pander to these irrational fears, like everyone who prays towards Mecca is a potential terrorist, but it is also responsible for distracting you from what really matters, which is the search for truth. The rise in a celebrity obsessed culture is widely used to do just that, if people are more invested in what happens to Justin Bieber or Jennifer Anniston’s love life, the media is more likely to show news about them because they know they will get a greater audience than if they show news about children getting killed in Pakistan or news on foreign policy which doesn’t exactly have the same glitz or glamour. And when people don’t have the right amount of information, they are more likely to vent their anger and frustration onto the wrong people and this can lead to devastating consequences- is this what the government really wants? Chaos and constant terror, then tell me, who are the real terrorists??

Education should be on the top of everyone’s list, it has been spiralling downwards for a while now. People are just not interested in education because of the rising fees for higher education and also the growing dread, that when you leave university you will be guaranteed a huge amount of debt and no employment by the end. This will inevitably lead to a truckload of kids dropping out of education before they should, and that will most likely lead to a growing population of ignorant children with a low level of education. And the Government is doing nothing to help; the solutions they come up with is triple the university fees, start cutting the budget for schools and double the amount of fast food outlets.

So in the end you become too fat and oblivious to what is happening around you. “The powers that be”, know that the more ignorant the population is, the easier it is to manipulate. And it has worked out a treat for them, just take a look at what the banks have done; they’ve basically stolen all your money and made you believe it was your fault!

This has been a strategy of the Government for a long time; we didn’t just wake up one day and suddenly became gullible idiots. They did this with the help of the media, any person in their late 20’s just has to look at TV shows now, the plots have become simple and uncomplicated to make sure no higher form of thinking is involved also many shows now have “canned laughter”, they don’t even trust that you have the ability to laugh without being told!

Whereas in times long past they used to be a commentary on current events and kids shows used to be about tolerance and accepting the difference we all have, now it’s all about buying the latest toys and hypnotising you into a mindless zombie with the inability of and free thought.

In the world we live in education is the one thing that they can’t take away from you unless you let them. They can and have taken away your freedom, they’ve already taken away your money, so what education you have got is worth its weight in gold, don’t let them take that as well.

Take off the shackles people or just remain in a state of ignorance, the decision is yours- that is until they take that away from you as well.




These words taken from the book 1984 by George Orwell are used by policy makers today and have never felt more frightening.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Trees, wonderful trees!

People who know me may think I hate this country, but that's just not the case, there used to be a time when I believed some areas were stunning... that is until I visited Italy, than I saw true beauty.

Just walking down Oxford Circus on a Saturday is enough proof you need to tell you how much this country lacks in style and just sheer practicality. You are constantly being shoved by people and the paths are just to narrow to accommodate so many people, and what do the brains of London do...Nothing!

If there is a lot of foot traffic the smart thing would be to make more areas pedestrian friendly, instead of what they have now, which is just more traffic lights and roads- because we have to keep the cars coming through and polluting the air we breathe and looking to knock down a pedestrian at any given time!

And another real difference is the lack of trees or green spaces, why? Because breathing clean air is not a priority for these "people", having more stores and getting you to consume is the real objective. Tree don't produce anything of value so they are low on the list of things to have- Are you kidding me?! You will not be able to breath without trees, almost every major city in Europe has large and stunning trees lining the streets, why, because they are natures air purifiers and absorb the pollution in the air so we don't. Anglo- Saxons just can't see that, they have no vision.

Not only that but there is no where to rest your tired feet, no where to just sit and relax under protection from the elements. And not only that there is rubbish everywhere, you can literrly turn a corner and there will be a strong stench of urine and vomit. No one has any pride in themselves and it  makes me die a little anytime I am forced to venture into London.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Everybody loves Marchisio!

I've mentioned on numerous occasions how much I hate this time of the year, this period of the season is torture to the football fan and it isn't made any easier with the constant rumors of players that you've grown to admire and value... leaving.

I am talking about the absurd notion that Claudio Marchisio might leave. These rumors have been around the last couple of transfer seasons, but that doesn't make it any easier to hear. Marchisio has been at the club for 20 years, that kind of loyalty should not be thrown away. He got his real chance to shine in Juventus darkest period: 2006 Calciopoli Scandal, he was the one bright spark for the future of the team.

In that time he had the chance to shine without the pressure of Serie A, he flourished, and with that under his belt he has grown into a vital part of the team. After Juve were promoted back to Serie A he was loaned out to Empoli, seeing as though he was still very young, being under a constant pressure to perform could have hindered his performance. It was a wise move as he is now a very important part of the team and has even been tauted as the next captain.

The last few seasons have seen him come into his own, this current season may have seen Arturo Vidal take much of the limelight, but he was still an important player providing assists, goals and making intelligent runs from midfield and even some vital goal line clearances. His versatility will be vital to Juventus' European campaign next season and they can't afford to lose him!

The lack of Juventus' denial to the rumors of him leaving may have made him feel unloved, as he has been quoted as saying; "that if Juve don't want him he'll consider other clubs", but he has to know how a move away from Turin will crush the fans. Plus a move to either France or England will hardly be good for his career, just ask Zlatan and Tevez who are both rumored to be heading for the Italian peninsular.


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Progress, What progress?

When you think of progress you think of things becoming better for people like standard of living getting better, corruption starting to disappear, the gap between the rich and the poor decreasing and just a general sense of improvement, unlike now where more and more people are relying on food banks to survive,more people are being forced out of their home due to a massive accumulation of debt and just a general shitty standard of "life".

People have been living in a fantasy, a life where they believed they can just keep on borrowing, keep on consuming and everything will be fine, and why do they think like this?? The Media. The constant bombardment of advertising we are subjected to on a daily basis is absurd. You may be thinking that there is no harm in having advertisements, I mean, after all you still have to make your mind up if you want the item or  not, so no harm no foul right? Wrong, maybe an educated, rational person wont be taken in by these cheap ploys to make you spend the little money you have on things to don't have. But the less educated people will believe all the hoopla and actually start to believe that they can't live without- just take a look at what Apple have done!

Which brings me to my next point, the gradual and strategic way the government is taking away our intelligence, how are they doing it you may be asking, firstly by making higher education too costly so that many kids will drop out at 16, and then they give you a steady diet of sensationalized "news" and meaningless celebrity gossip. And all this time spent obsessing over celebrity will mean less time spent on ACTUAL NEWS that affects everyone no matter how far apart they live in the world.

Another thing, by making higher education so expensive, you're making sure that the poor will never be able to pull themselves out of poverty, and the kids that are lucky enough to get employment without having gone though higher education will be stuck in a dead end job,  most likely Mc Donalds!

We haven't progressed, we've gone backwards to the time of the Aristocracy and the peasants. Guess which ones we are?!
Do we really want this for future generations??

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Mediocre Media.

Am I the only one who has grown increasingly tired of sequels and 80's remakes? It's as if the entire film making community have lost the ability to come up with an original idea. Or more likely the movie making machine has been taken over by the accountants, and we all know what their real priority is, it's not encouraging creativity but making sure they can squeeze as much money out of a sure thing, hence Fast and Furious 6 and a rumored 7 in the making.

Something has to be done to counteract this trend, maybe people should just refuse to shell out their limited dosh to watch these mediocre movies, because at the end of the day they just care whether or not it makes a profit, so in theory if this type of movie doesn't make a huge profit they'll have to change their styles and try to come up with something new and challenging.

But I doubt this will ever happen, the kids of the current generation have such a low attention span, that if their isn't any explosions of sex from the offset they will switch. Another reason why it will be hard to change is because of all these awards and rating systems. People just go on the notion that because they have a ton of awards and have been highly praised in the media, that it must be good. Don't people remember Avatar?!! That got some awards and was highly acclaimed in the media but was insulting to anyone with half a brain. Lest we forget Twilight also got rave reviews in the media and we all know how that turned out!

I miss movies and television shows that relied on a good script, excellent story line and with a good group of actors and directors who aren't afraid of going against the grain. Hollywood has been taken over by the bankers, and the bankers do not have the patience to let thing develop naturally and evolve, they are more interested in getting immediate rewards. This is not healthy or beneficial to anyone, but they don't want to wait to develop any show with potential, and hence they all get shut down get cut before they get the chance to become great, while others that should have either died or tried to evolve into something else ( The Mentalist) keep going.

It is just plain insulting when they think they can just get away with the same formulae forever without trying to be creative. All one has to do is look at what happened to show like 24, House and now The Mentalist. You can perhaps get away with using the same formulae for about 3 seasons but eventually you have to start thing outside the box. Maybe Hollywood should fire the bankers and hire some good quality writers, because after all, writing is the main key to good storytelling- I implore you to stop treating the public like children, incapable of comprehending complex ideas, because many of the older generation are growing tired of the same old thing and we do have the majority of the money!

So if you want to make a profit you will heed my words, because I refuse to shell out £16 for mediocre stock!