Earthquakes in Alaska, Bushfires in the Australian outback and devastating flooding in the UK, yet still there are people out there who refuse to believe in climate change. What is so sad was that this could have been avoided, we had the technology and ability to try and prevent in yet we let the short term profits blind us from the long term risks. How can we call ourselves the smartest species on the planet? We’re so smart that we’ve almost drained the planet of its natural resources, driving so many other species to the verge of extinction and are on the verge of killing ourselves.
Many people you speak to will only remember things that happened recently and will forget everything before that. People have forgotten the major heatwave in 2003 that claimed so many lives in Europe, many of them elderly or the Tsunami in Indonesia that claimed so many lives ( they need a movie to be made to remember it). It is in a person’s nature just to focus on what affects them, but in this globalised world whatever happens on the other side of the planet will affect you.
If there is flooding or extreme drought, like we saw this year around the world, what do you think will happen to food prices?? Nearly all our food is imported because we don’t have the climate to grow oranges or tomatoes, so prices will soar and this will affect everyone- except the super rich of course! But this backward government doesn’t really care about anyone but the super rich, so it probably won’t affect them.
The most recent episode of extreme weather was the flooding last month to large parts of the UK, I guess they're regretting chopping down all the trees..oh how nature could have helped. How in the world did they not see this coming and prepare for it?? There are things that the government could have put in place to avoid the devastating affects of these flooded areas that could have saved so much money on repairs. Don’t even get me started on our third world public transport!! Nearly all trains were cancelled due to flooding etc, why is there nothing set in place to avoid this kind of disruption?? This government can only react to the immediate dangers they don’t have the ability to plan ahead.
And I ask you, what qualifies this country to be called “ great” Britain, it should be called mediocre Britain!
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