Everyone has to be worried when fame is all anyone seeks, not intelligence, health, happiness but just fame. People came become famous one day and forgotten the next, this year we’ve bared witness to the rise of South Korean youtube sensation, the reason why the annoying Gagam style song is played everywhere, but just think, within a year no one will remember him and he’ll be replaced by some one equally stupid.
Which goes to the route of this society, how does an individual find pleasure in someone else’s misfortune, how did we become so uncaring? One just has to look at the television shows, they are so many just about judging the “contestants” and saying that they’re not good enough. First of all, who the hell are they to judge you? And second of all, what kind of sick person gets their jollies out of seeing that?
We live in a type of bubblegum nation, where just like bubblegum the flavour is gone within 5 seconds. Nothing is enduring the test of time anymore, it has become so bad that I have to resort to watching re-runs of old shows and movies from 10 years ago, do you think anyone will even remember any of the movies that come out now in ten years??
It mostly boils down to a few social and economic factors such as; education, wealth and the area in which you reside, but most importantly it boils down to the opportunities you have or lack thereof. People who are educated will tend to see through the obvious manipulation of so called reality shows, but there is an amount of people that believe in order to get ahead in life they must endure ridicule.
This is simply untrue, no one should have to put up with ridicule, if we are so evolved why can’t we eradicate bullying? Because put quite simply, that’s what it is.
How much wealth a person has goes a long way into explaining their viewing habits. Many of the shows around could be put into one column- aspirational, because let’s face it, in times of financial austerity people still want to believe they could have what they see on the screen, they even believe that with a little hard work they can achieve this. But the sad fact is that many of you can’t!
I personally find shows like The Hills or Gossip Girl to be extremely insulting! They are just a bunch of bored spoilt rich kids and these shows are just flaunting all their privileges in the faces of ordinary stiffs, and they have the audacity to say they actually work for it, give me a break! The reason they have all of these toys is because they come from rich and probably corrupt families, because let’s face it, they only reason they probably accumulated all this wealth is because they screwed someone over.
In many cases you will be influenced by what is around you, if people all watch a certain show, you may watch that same show just to fit in, or if people behave in a certain way, you may also behave that way because it is the social norm. Social norm is just another word for peer pressure, and like peer pressure people should avoid the temptation of being caught up in it.
What I find bewildering about this society, is how even the most educated of us can become so easily distracted. Just think of this year where there have been such scandals such as the Libor rigging, all round banking failure, we are going to have to suffer 5 more years of austerity and not to forget the erosion of our basic liberties, but put on a stupid boat show and host the Olympics, and all off a sudden everyone forgets!
People are always telling me that we will benefit from the Olympics and that it will put the UK on the map, I tell you this, if they didn’t know where the UK was before, why would we want to associate with them? And hosting the games doesn’t benefit us, all it’s doing is taking away funding from actual institutions that can be helpful for the public like; NHS, education and provide real jobs, not just jobs for the month of the games and that’s it.
The government is doing everything it can do to distract and dumb down society, from the type of media they are constantly exposed to, to the type of education they get. They’ve already started to make sure that if you come from a poor background you’ll most likely stay that way by making it almost impossible to get into higher education. Whereas in my day it was 2 and a half thousand a year, now it has jumped to 10 thousand a year! Where are the outraged people?! And I answer, probably of looking at the sparkly fireworks or getting pissed of their heads while there future is being pissed away to buy a baby carriage for Kate!
Here’s to the future, where worse is still to come!! Has everyone forgotten about CLIMATE CHANGE?
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