Sunday, 6 January 2013

I weep for the future of humanity.

People in this country are so brainwashed into believing this is such a wonderful country, they should try opening their eyes! Anything that had any beauty is having to make way for ugly buildings that are solely there to take your money and make you believe you need these things and can’t live without them. Before people criticise other countries for violating human rights and taking away people’s civil liberties, maybe they should stop and look here first.

This country may be marginally better than some countries but that is not saying much! There is still a hell of a lot of corruption in this country, they have just become better at hiding it and the people are just programmed to look the other way. Does anyone know where our taxes go?? They are not going towards anything that can benefit the public like: schools, public transport, roads or healthcare, these institutions are losing funding and it is being allocated to the ones who will not be named.

Is anyone else befuddled by the fact that ticket prices for trains have risen again?!! I seem to remember a time when I could get a travel card for £8, now it’s £12.60!! And they say the money is paying the way for improvements?? What improvements, they forget that they sold the transport system to private business and all they care about is profit for them and their shareholders, they don’t give a damm about the general public!

The rights of workers are being systematically taken away, the right to freedom of speech or even assembly is being continually violated. Any person that dares to protest or march peacefully will be targeted and most likely will be put in jail or be denied future opportunities because they have been labelled as a troublemaker. Maybe before we invade and destroy countries to try and bring democracy, we should try spreading it here first!

And why are people not talking about these issues? It’s rather simple, the media!! There is no such thing as free press, nearly all the news stations are owned by private corporations that have a particular political view that they want to put forward and they will only provide information that supports that view, so in the end the people are exposed to just that view and that combined with poor education leads to a country of idiots! And if you dare to show a different perspective on a “hot topic” your broadcasting licence will disappear, just look what happened to Press TV.

It’s not only the television media but also newspapers. They are so interested in making profit that the forget about providing good solid information, what they do provide is either celebrity gossip, sports results and just plain and simple distractions, things that they know that are not good for us but we secretly crave… let me ask you one thing; an alcoholic may want a drink, but that doesn’t mean you should give it to him! What has happened to the media’s integrity?!

People who want to better themselves have to rely on things other than mainstream media or the government, they have to make a conscious decision to avoid all the lies and try to branch out a bit. Yet that is difficult for many people who work all day, but this is all the more reason why they should try. The absurd working hours are all designed to turn you into to mindless zombies that don’t have the power to resist all this mindless junk that is being thrown at you. And hence you’ll get a nation of idiots, someone has to be brave enough to break the cycle.

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