Saturday, 8 December 2012

One step forward, 10 steps backwards

Personality Disorder Checklist

• Unconcern for the feeling of others

• Inability to maintain meaningful/ long term relationships

• A complete disregard for the feeling of others

• Repeated lying, dishonesty and manipulating people in order to make a profit

• Not being able to feel any guilt or remorse

• Not having the ability to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviour.

The above is just a basic checklist, but I have a strong feeling that we can apply them to anything in this society. That is a sad thought, and it’s not just individual people but large corporations and entire governments. In this so called “developed countries”, everything is pushed towards the idea that if you don’t step on each other, you will not get far in life; it’s ingrained in everything we see and where it was a stigma to do the above, now it is encouraged!

A few points from the list pop out as soon as you read through it, the first one is: a complete disregard for the feeling of others. This can be proven just by reviewing what kind of television we watch amongst others. The “reality show”, first of all it’s not reality, the mere fact that it is being filmed and that there are cameras changes everything from what we would normally do. The format of these types of show are basically the same, a combination of humiliation and shame with a final dose of judgement and finally exclusion.

It makes me sick to my stomach that society has stooped this low into a world of depravity, yet these countries claim to be the moral compass which everyone should follow, the hypocrisy is nauseating. But it doesn’t stop at a person’s viewing habits but also the habits and practises of the governments and corporations. They make it policy just to think about the ends rather than the means, they don’t care whether or not they hurt anyone because of their actions, all they care about is profit. This kind of collusion between government and corporation reminds me an awful lot of Fascist Italy under Mussolini.

People have become so uncaring about anything other than themselves, and a large part is because of the media. Television shows, newspaper article all perpetuate this notion that to get to the top of the ladder you must be cold and willing to screw people over if it means success. All this has done is giving birth to a nation of selfish and hostile individuals, that will only pay you any attention if they will get anything out of it.

The next two points can be covered together as they have the same type of theme running through them. The first one: repeated lying and manipulating other for a profit and incapacity to feel any guilt. Now what springs to mind…. The banking sector!! They have used our money in their fraudulent activities and made US bail them out and then had the nerve to blame the public and calling everyone else lazy and have twisted the issues, so that it looks like it was inevitable and now it’s up to the public to suffer austerity for their errors!

Austerity is just the modern way of saying that we’re all slaves. Any benefits that we used to receive like a liveable wage will disappear. Not only will wages continue to decline but the cost of everything will increase, plunging more people into poverty. What the hell is wrong with everyone? Everyone has been tricked into believing that we must pay an obscene amount of taxes while the rich get away with paying the bare minimum.

The media is very crafty about how they go about distracting us with news about the royal foetus and how companies like Amazon have been avoiding tax, let me tell you one thing, the rules for big companies are written in such a way that they can pay pennies and get away with it, so in the end it’s the laws in this back ward country that need to be changed. What made me laugh hysterical is when they described these companies as being “ immoral”, I mean seriously, this government can hardly comment on morality, they are still opposing the tax on the wealthy! How is that moral? When you have people living out of dustbins and they get no help while you are bending over backwards to accommodate the rich and their private jets?!!

And the little help that we do get, will be rendered useless as living cost continue to rise, and it’s not as if it’s easy to get help, you have to jump through hoops for years before you even get considered and they will do whatever they can to make sure you get the peanuts!

I urge people to open your eyes to the truth, we are living in a fascist society and day by day they are trying to bring back the “ good old days” of the aristocracy. The society we live in now ticks all the boxes at the start of this piece and we’re all encouraged to be SOCIOPATHS!

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