Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Fragile Beauty

Is this progress..Really?

How far have we fallen as a civilization? It makes me sad just thinking about it, just the sheer coldness and how everyone has become so uncaring and oblivious to anything other than profit. People have always had a love affair with money that goes without saying, but now it has gone to a point where people are willing to stand on each other’s dead corpses to get an extra buck, it’s absurd!

It is not just individual people who think like this but entire governments. The purpose of having an elected government is so that they will be able to make decisions that benefit the entire population not just the elite few or the corporations. One has to keep in mind that corporations have only one objection- to make a profit, and if they have to stand on a few necks and screw some people, they will. It is up to the government to regulate them and make sure they are not taking advantage of the people and that they stick to the rules.

Many places in the so called “developed world” will allow these big companies to bend the rules, sometimes even write new laws to accommodate them, but for the struggling household they will enforce the law to death! It’s simply unfair and immoral.

This country has no right to be talking about morality; London is one of the most corrupted cities in the western world! A certain banking scandal started here, not to forget that the UK is a tax haven for the rich and entitled! And lest we forget how much the tax the average Joe, and where does it all go, because it doesn’t go towards improving vital infrastructure or towards any improvements on the NHS!

People in this country have become so complacent and arrogant that they have no idea that the rights that people have fought hard to achieve are slowly being eroded away. The only thing that would wake them from this zombie state is if they raised the price of alcohol! As long as the people are pissed off their heads they won’t notice if their houses were taken away and they were replaced by cardboard boxes!!

The people here are so repressed that they feel the need to get drunk everyday just to distract themselves from their meaningless consumer driven lives. Is there anything of any note here where you cannot find anywhere else? Shopping streets can be found anywhere, and you know what- they’re better. We have a lot to learn from Europe, they know how to live and some things are to sacred to privatise, like public transport, although because the banks decided to frack most of Europe, I fear this may change as the “ work till you die” culture may become more evident in some of the last nations of beauty and culture.

( free speech, got to love it!)

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